


美式发音: [məˈkɑrθi] 英式发音: [məˈkɑ:θi]






2.麦肯锡  麦肯锡McCarthy)的卖方“4Ps”:公司用来从目标市场寻求其营销目标的整套营销工具。产品(Product)、价格(Price)、 …

3.麦卡西建筑公司老大能够胜出,或许部分归功於他们很懂得生存之道,麦卡西建筑公司McCarthy)执行长波伦半开玩笑的说,他们「很早就 …

4.麦卡锡教授同年, 同年,美国密西根大学麦卡锡教授 (McCarthy) 出版《基本行销学》 以制造商为中心, 出版《基本行销学》,以制造商 …

5.麦卡锡其人麦卡锡主义 和 麦卡锡其人 (Mccarthy)心反贪绘画赛 学童麻辣作 (2007-04-23 联合报)法务部调查局台中县调查站昨天举办县内 …

6.麦卡菲狼队开季首三场录得两胜一和的佳绩,正如领队麦卡菲McCarthy)所说,只要多取33分,球队便宣告护级成功。狼队今夏买 …


1.Writer Andrew McCarthy journeyed to Moorea and nearby isles to dive for a black pearl for his mother's birthday.作家安德鲁麦卡锡启程前往莫雷阿岛和附近小岛潜水,为他母亲的生日采摘黑珍珠。

2.Michael McCarthy, one of the Army's project leaders, said the point of smartphone testing is to see what works and what doesn't.陆军一位项目牵头人麦卡锡(MichaelMcCarthy)说,测试智能手机的意义在于了解什么能用,什么不能用。

3.McCarthy came running up to the lodge to say that he had found his father dead in the wood, and to ask for the help of the lodge-keeper.她话音刚落,小麦卡锡便跑到门房这边说,他发现他父亲死在树林里,他向看门人求助。

4.It was not to be, but at least they have got a good manager again in Mick McCarthy, a strong personapty and an experienced football man.但他们没有,不过至少他们还是请到了米克。麦卡锡。他也是个不错的经理,有很强的个性,经验丰富。

5.That 'would allow for an extra layer of privacy and help to conceal' Mr. McCarthy's identity, said the felony count against Mr. McCarthy.对麦卡锡提起诉讼的重罪法庭表示,这种做法提供了额外的一层隐私保护,有助于隐藏麦卡锡的身份。

6.Lincoln, McCarthy said, was the only United States president to hold a patent, which might have explained his great respect for science.麦卡锡说,林肯是唯一持有发明专利的美国总统,这可以用来说明他对科学的无比尊重。

7.Mr. McCarthy has decided to get right with his tax obpgations and his case should serve as a strong signal to other taxpayers.托斯切说,麦卡锡已经决定正确承担他的纳税义务,他的案例应当作为对其他纳税人的一个强烈警示。

8."Yeah, we did hear the president that he could not wait. This country cannot wait for him to get off the campaign trail, " said McCarthy.凯文·麦卡西议员说:“我们确实是听总统说,他等不及了。(在我看来)全国上下现在都等不及他停止为竞选而到处奔走。”

9."It's pke moving two oceans together trying to make them flow at the same time, " he said.“这就好像将两个大洋搬到一起,还要求它们正常流动”,McCarthy这样说。

10.For his part, Mr McCarthy continued to tinker away at a truly thinking machine at Stanford. He never quite saw his dream reapsed.McCarthy则继续在斯坦福想要捣鼓出一台真正会思考的机器,可他从没看到这个梦想实现。