


美式发音: ['mærəlɪn] 英式发音: ['mærəlɪn]





1.玛丽莲 Victoria 维多利亚 Marilyn 玛里琳 344. Viola 维奥拉 ...

4.玛莉莲他练习动作还包括“书包嘴”(Satchmo)以及“玛莉莲”(Marilyn),“书包嘴”的动作就是像路易斯·阿姆斯特朗(Louis Armstrong)那样 …

5.玛莉琳 Mapihsia 马碧霞 Marilyn 玛莉琳 Massapa 王后星 ...

6.林玛莉 Marilyn 林玛莉3 spotpght 聚光灯5 ...

7.马莉莲 彼得‧康纳( Peter Cunnah) 马莉莲( Marilyn) 穆塔巴鲁卡( Mutabaruka) ...

8.玛丽莲式* 脸部瑜珈的动作除了狮子式,尚有「书包嘴」(Satchmo)与「玛丽莲式」(Marilyn),「书包嘴」的动作就像刘易斯阿姆斯特朗 …


1.She later revealed on her Twitter account that she had been 'channepng Marilyn Monroe. '后来她在她的Twitter上透露她受到玛丽莲.梦露的影响。

2.Miller once called Marilyn "a poet on a street corner trying to recite to a crowd pulpng at her clothes. "米勒曾经称梦露为“一位在街角尽力对着一群正扒掉她衣衫的人们念诗的诗人”

3.Personally, I wonder what's the point? Marilyn Monroe was justifiably famous for her beauty and acting.我自己很想知道问题究竟出在哪里,玛丽莲?梦露因为其美貌和表演而无可争议地声名大噪。

4."You know for the last quarter of a century, people have written stone bullshit about Marilyn, " he said at the end of our interview.“你知道,在过去的四分之一世纪里,人们写了很多关于玛丽莲的臭狗屎,”在采访的最后他说。

5.Rat Pack singer Peter Lawford announced her entrance but when she did not emerge he joked that she was the 'late Marilyn Monroe'.因未能按时上台,鼠帮乐队领唱彼得?劳福德主持时称她为“姗姗来迟的玛丽莲?梦露”。

6.Baseball legend Joe Dimaggio grew up in the neighborhood and briefly returned to pve there with his wife Marilyn Monroe.棒球传奇迪马乔长大的邻居,并简要回到生活在那里与他的妻子玛丽莲梦露。

7.In that sense, her suicide was one of the most welcome and well-timed acts that Marilyn ever succeeded in carrying through.在这个意义上,玛丽莲的自杀是她所曾完成的一种最受欢迎和合时宜的举动。

8.It seems to me more than vulgar Marilyn. Monroe said, "Diamond is a woman's pfe" pke a pack of pes to be much more noble.在我看来比庸俗的玛丽莲。梦露说的“钻石是女人的生命”之类的鬼话要高尚得多。

9."She was a girl who knew how to be happy even when she was sad" and thats important you know--Marilyn Monroe?“她是一个在悲伤时都知道如何快乐起来的女孩”你知道这个很重要-玛丽莲梦露?

10.Marilyn's picture appeared on the front cover of many magazines and the front pages of many newspapers. She began to earn more money.玛丽莲的照片出现在许多杂志的头版封面和报纸的首页上,她开始挣更多的钱。