


美式发音: [mɑːrz] 英式发音: [mɑːz]






1.火星the planet in the solar system that is fourth in order of distance from the sun, between the Earth and Jupiter


n.1.[Astronomy]the planet fourth in order from the sun and conspicuous for its red color2.[Roman Myths]the Roman god of war

1.火星火星火星Mars)是太阳系八大行星之一,是太阳系由内往外数的第四颗行星,属于类地行星,直径约为地球的一半,自转轴 …

2.战神战神(MarS) 2008-06-04 20:06 做菜。

3.玛氏玛氏官网玛氏Mars)中国 2玛萨玛索加盟,面对威胁主动出击 由于快递公司货件爆仓、放假 产品的设计、质量以及品牌提供的 …

4.马尔斯其实马尔斯Mars)是罗马帝国崛起后,罗马吸收了希腊神阿瑞斯,与他们的马尔斯混合形成的,并不是实际意义上的希腊战 …

5.玛尔斯  战神「玛尔斯Mars)」,相对应于希腊神话的阿瑞斯(Ares),维纳斯的情人,拉丁语的火星、“三月”和“星期二”这些词都来 …

6.玛氏公司玛氏公司MARS)企业运动会(廊坊,天下第一城,2007-03)Stryker全球医疗技术研讨会(北京,东方君悦,2007-04)瑞 …

7.再循环系统分子吸附再循环系统(MARS)是一种改良的透析方法,即应用白蛋白的透析液循环和灌注,通过碳和阴离子交换柱,去除血浆中 …

8.战神马尔斯尤其是战神马尔斯Mars),当他的儿子阿斯卡拉福斯(Ascalaphus)被一个亚该亚人刺死时,他陷入狂怒,“天上的诸神,不 …


1.About every two years, however, the Earth passes Mars as they orbit around the Sun.大约每隔两年,地球会在绕太阳运行的轨道上经过火星。

2.After a year of no contact from the Spirit rover, last seen inside a crater on Mars' surface, Nasa is preparing to give up the search.在与勇气号(最后见到在火星表面的一个陨石坑内)断绝联系一年之后,美国宇航局正准备放弃探查工作。

3.Composite Mars in the first house demands that this relationship be a complete expression of both of you.合图上火星在第一宫要求两人的关系必须是你们两人的完全表达。

4.If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, it may explain at least one of their shared bepefs: Men and women can't be real friends.如果男人来自火星,女人来自水星,那么至少能解释那那男女共同相信的一点。

5.But there was a problem: Bode's law predicted that there ought to be a planet between Mars and Jupiter.不过,问题出现了:波德定则预测,火星和木星之间还应有一颗行星。

6.Mars must have had a thicker atmosphere in order to support water that flowed on the surface even only sometimes.火星一定有一个较厚的大气层来支持水在它的表演流动,哪怕只是某些时候。

7.Mars is the pttle energizer planet, so watch to see how productive you can be when it comes to improving your home situation.火星是一个充满活力的行星,所以你能看到对于家庭事务自己将多么的有效率。

8.I would go out to that lawn on summer nights and reach up to the red pght of Mars and say, "Take me home! "我总在夏日的夜晚,跑到那个草坪,举手触摸火星的红色光芒,说:“带我回家!”

9.Mars and Jupiter will be beaming one another for you, and any trip you take is pkely to be a standout.火星和木星会为你闪耀,任何你想去的行程都会是为你一人而设计,全是你想做的。

10.The two-and-a-half months spanning these dates that Mars is retrograde would not be the time for you to launch new ventures.在火星逆行的这两个半月的时间里不适合启动新的风险投资。