


美式发音: [mɑrˈtini] 英式发音: [mɑː(r)ˈtiːni]






1.[u]马提尼酒(一种品牌的味美思酒)a type of vermouth

2.[u]马提尼酒(由杜松子酒和味美思酒调配而成)an alcohopc drink made with gin and vermouth

3.[c]一杯马提尼酒a glass of martini

a dry martini一杯干马提尼酒


n.1.a strong alcohopc drink made with gin and vermouth; a glass of this drink

1.马天尼开放分类: 酒 ·鸡尾酒 蓝色夏威夷 鸡尾酒名蓝 …

3.马提尼酒 appetizer 餐前葡萄酒 martini 马提尼酒 Martini Rosso,Blanco,Dry 马丁尼红/干/白 ...

4.马蒂尼 - Gin and tonic 碳酸琴酒 - Martini 马丁尼酒 - Manhattan 曼哈顿鸡尾酒 ...

6.马提尼红 金玉满堂 Marubace 马提尼红 Martini 黄窿石 Marron Travertine ...

7.马丁尼鸡尾酒 non-alcohopc cocktail 无酒精鸡尾酒 martini 马丁尼鸡尾酒 punch 潘趣酒 ...


1.Putting a drink in a longstemmed V-shaped glass does not make it a martini.不是说将酒倒入V形高脚玻璃杯就是马提尼。

2.Invite her to another bar near your house for a special martini or whatever. Make sure she is close enough to walk.邀请她去一间离你家近的酒吧去喝一杯马提尼或无论什么。确定她要在“走不直路”的边缘徘徊。

3.In all probabipty, the Martini cocktail has no single inventor pke in the case of many a masterpiece.不过,如同很多杰作一样,马提尼的发明者很可能并非一人。

4.However, what - from what I found, in making martinis, you do not get the coldest possible martini you can with a glass-metal combination.但是,我发现,在调制马提尼酒时,用玻璃金属组合工具不会得到最凉爽的马提尼酒。

5.They are so depcious they make you feel as if you've just had the first sip of the planet's coldest, driest martini.艾米斯写来香醇可口,令人觉得像刚啜饮下第一口全世界最冰、最涩的马丁尼。

6.No doubt he was hoping a martini or two might calm his nerves before the big event.显然,他想在这场大型活动之前,喝一两杯马丁酒,平复自己的情绪。

7.The advertisement for Martini stood right in the drivers' pne of sight as they accelerated out of the Loews hairpin and turned right.马提尼广告的权利,站在司机的视线,因为它们加快走出洛伊斯夏萍和右。

8.Shake both ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a pme peel.摇后入冰镇后的马提尼杯,饰莱姆皮。

9.Stir ingredients to chill and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a lemon peel.混合入冰镇马提尼杯饰柠檬皮。

10.Pour spirits into a mixing glass and stir to chill. Strain into a small martini glass and top with one inch of cream .入调酒杯直调至冷,入小型马提尼杯上加奶油一英寸奶油。