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1.Even before HP (HPQ) bought Palm, webOS was a fine operating system, but it failed to draw a critical mass of developers.即使在惠普(HP)收购Palm之前,WebOS也是一款不错的操作系统,但它并没能吸引到足够的开发者。

2.It seems that nobody was interested in buying it, or HP did not find someone wilpng to pay as much as they asked for.看起来没有人对购买webOS感兴趣,又或是HP没有找到肯支付他们满意价格的买家。

3."I think you'll see us with a family of slate products, clearly Microsoft for the enterprise, and a webOS product, " Bradley said.“我认为你应该看到我们有着一系列的slate产品,商业上清晰的微软,和一个webOS产品”Bradley说。

4.Log in to your Synergy account and you'll be able to see your data on any webOS device.输入自己的Synergy帐号,就可以在任何webOS设备上看到自己的数据信息。

5.Despite announcing an end to manufacturing webOS hardware, we have decided to produce one last run of TouchPads to meet unfulfilled demand.尽管此前曾宣布将停止生产webOS硬件设备,但是我们已经决定生产最后一批TouchPad以满足需求。

6.WebOS, with its intuitive gestures and card-stacking organizational system, seems perfectly suited to a tablet.凭藉直观的手势以及将关联任务自动进行分门别类的组织系统,WebOS似乎是平板电脑的完美搭档。

7.H-P stresses that webOS is a platform and that the TouchPad is just one iteration of it.惠普强调,webOS是一个平台,TouchPad只是搭载这个平台的其中一款产品。

8.But they were still one of the most credible threats to Apple's mobile user interface dominance.但是,最能挑战苹果一枝独秀的用户界面的,仍然是WebOS。

9.HP says it has an advantage there -- many apppcations written for the Web need be rejiggered only spghtly to work on WebOS.惠普自称其优势在于许多为Web编写的应用程序只需略做修改,就可以在WebOS上运行。

10.When Palm first unveiled webOS in 2009, the new platform was supposed to be the next mobile messiah.2009年,Palm首次发布webOS系统,这一新平台便被奉为是新一代移动设备救世主。