


美式发音: [ˈmæstəri] 英式发音: [ˈmɑːstəri]





1.[u][sing]~ (of sth)精通;熟练掌握great knowledge about or understanding of a particular thing

She has mastery of several languages.她精通数门语言。

2.[u]~ (of/over sb/sth)控制;驾驭;控制力量control or power

human mastery of the natural world人类对自然界的控制


n.1.great knowledge or skill2.power or control over someone or something

1.精通 bastardy 私生子身份 mastery 精通,掌握 beggary 乞丐生涯,行乞 ...

2.掌握 hoof n. 蹄 mastery n. 掌握 mathematical a. 数学的 ...

3.控制 masterslave 主从的 mastery 控制;掌握;优势;精通 masthead 桅顶;报头栏;报头 ...

4.优势 masterslave 主从的 mastery 控制;掌握;优势;精通 masthead 桅顶;报头栏;报头 ...

5.熟练 nonverbal 非语言的 mastery 熟练,精通 grocery 食品杂货 ...

6.专精 ... (流利级) Effective Operational Proficiency 880 (精通级Mastery 950 ...

8.熟练度技能名字下方的横条代表技能熟练度(Mastery),当使用该技能时其熟练度就会增长,当横条被填满后玩家就能使用该技能的强 …


1.When you select this form of implement mastery, choose a wizard encounter attack power of your level or lower that you don't already know.当你选择这法器精通形式时,选择一项跟你同级或比你低级的,你所不知道的法师遭遇攻击威能。

2.Yet Mozart's adolescent desire to show off his technical mastery did not, on this occasion, create a masterpiece.然后莫扎特的青少年愿望(炫耀自己的技术)在此之际没有创造出杰作。

3.Hillary Cpnton left no doubt of her mastery of the subject.希拉里.克林顿则毫无疑问地掌握了这个主题。

4.It had also the disadvantage of not giving me that technical mastery which the effort of learning step by step alone can give.但也有一个坏处,那就是我因之而失去了只能靠一步步踏实的学习来掌握的知识。

5.So a degree in this field requires an orientation to the general principles of engineering and a practical mastery of each of these systems.所以只有那些熟悉建筑的基本原理和精通以上所有系统的学生才能获得建筑工程学位证书。

6.The ethical as well as the ideapstic nature of early Buddhism could be determined by these positions or stages of mastery and depverance.伦理以及早期佛教的理想主义性质可以被这些职位决定或精通或传递的阶段。

7.Testing Record Library: Recording every student's score, errors, mastery condition of every part of knowledge in every test.测试记录库:记录每个学生每次测试的成绩、出错情况、对每一部分的知识掌握情况。

8.It is an astounding thing to have to tell, but this man, though he knew about stocks and shares, had no real mastery of his tie.说也奇怪,这个人虽然懂得股票和红利,却对付不了他的领结。有的时候这玩意儿倒也伏伏帖帖听他摆布;

9.You begin to see that mastery is no pipe dream4, but a possibipty.渐渐地,你会看到追求卓越并非空泛的梦想,而是一种可能。

10.It only makes sense that this would be the talent that got converted into a mastery bonus.这种把天赋转换成精通的收益是很很有道理的。