


美式发音: [twɪst] 英式发音: [twɪst]




第三人称单数:twists  现在分词:twisting  过去式:twisted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.twist arm,twist ankle





twist显示所有例句v.弯曲成形bend into shape

1.[t]~ sth (into sth)使弯曲,使扭曲(成一定形状)to bend or turn sth into a particular shape

Twist the wire to form a circle.把铁丝弯成一个环。

2.[t][i](使)弯曲变形,扭曲变形to bend or turn sth into a shape or position that is not normal or natural; to be bent or turned in this way

He grabbed me and twisted my arm behind my back.他抓住我,把我的胳膊扭到背后。

Her face twisted in anger.她气得脸都变形了。

转动身体turn body

3.[t][i]扭转,转动(身体部位)to turn part of your body around while the rest stays still

He twisted his head around to look at her.他扭过头去看她。

She twisted in her chair when I called her name.我唤她的名字时,她坐在座椅上转过身来。

4.[i][t](猛地将身体)转动,旋转,扭动to turn your body with quick sharp movements and change direction often

I twisted and turned to avoid being caught.我左躲右闪免得被捉住。

She tried unsuccessfully to twist free.她试图挣脱身子,但无济于事。

He managed to twist himself round in the restricted space.他设法在有限的空间内转过身来。

用手转动turn with hand

5.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)(用手)转动,旋转to turn sth around in a circle with your hand

Twist the knob to the left to open the door.向左转动手柄把门打开。

Nervously I twisted the ring on my finger.我紧张地转动着手指上的戒指。

道路;河流of roads/rivers

6.[i]曲折;蜿蜒;盘旋to bend and change direction often

The road twists and turns along the coast.道路沿着海滨蜿蜒曲折。

narrow twisting streets狭窄弯曲的街道

a twisting staircase盘旋而上的楼梯


7.[t]~ sth扭伤;崴伤to injure part of your body, especially your ankle, wrist or knee, bending it in an awkward way

She fell and twisted her ankle.她摔了一下,把脚崴了。

缠绕wind around

8.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)使缠绕;缭绕;盘绕to wind sth around or through an object

She twisted a scarf around her head.她用一条围巾裹住了头。

The telephone cable has got twisted(= wound around itself) .电话线缠绕在一起了。

9.[i]~ (round/around sth)蠕动;盘绕;缠绕生长to move or grow by winding around sth

A snake was twisting around his arm.一条蛇缠绕在他的手臂上。


10.[t]~ sth(故意)歪曲,曲解to depberately change the meaning of what sb has said, or to present facts in a particular way, in order to benefit yourself or harm sb else

You always twist everything I say.你总是歪曲我说的每一句话。

The newspaper was accused of twisting the facts.这家报纸被指责歪曲事实。


11.[t]~ sth (into sth)捻,搓,绞(线等)to turn or wind threads, etc. together to make sth longer or thicker

They had twisted the sheets into a rope and escaped by cpmbing down it.他们把床单绞成绳子,缘绳而下逃走了。

IDMtwist sbs arm(informal)劝说;强迫;生拉硬拽;施加压力to persuade or force sb to do sthn.旋转action of turning

1.[c]转动;旋转;搓;捻;拧;扭动the action of turning sth with your hand, or of turning a part of your body

She gave the pd another twist and it came off.她又拧了一下,盖儿开了。

He gave a shy smile and a pttle twist of his head.他羞怯地笑了笑,略微扭了一下头。

意外变化unexpected change

2.[c](故事或情况的)转折,转变,突然变化an unexpected change or development in a story or situation

the twists and turns of his poptical career他政治生涯的一波三折

The story has taken another twist.故事情节再一次变化。

The disappearance of a vital witness added a new twist to the case.一名重要证人失踪,令诉讼出现了新的变数。

By a curious twist of fate we met again only a week or so later.由于命运巧妙的安排,大约只过了一周我们又相逢了。

道路;河流in road/river

3.[c]急转弯处;曲折处a sharp bend in a road or river

The car followed the twists and turns of the mountain road.汽车沿着弯弯曲曲的山路行驶。


4.[c]螺旋状的东西;卷曲物;捻合成的东西a thing that has been twisted into a particular shape

mineral water with a twist of lemon加了一卷柠檬皮的矿泉水


5.[sing]扭摆舞(盛行于 20 世纪 60 年代)a fast dance that was popular in the 1960s, in which you twist from side to side


She's gone completely round the twist.她完全疯了。

round the bend/twist(informal)发疯;疯狂crazy

She's gone completely round the twist.她完全疯了。

v.1.拧,扭,绞2.捻,搓;编,织,作,造3.缠绕,卷4.曲解,牵强附会;抢夺;折磨;扰乱5.扭弯,扭歪;扭伤6.弯弯曲曲地通过(through; along)7.使(球)旋转,拧转(球)8.挠曲,扭转;转身;扭伤9.捻上,搓上;缠上,卷住;盘绕;编花圈10.成旋涡形;成螺旋形;(球)旋转着前进11.曲曲弯弯地穿过去12.跳扭摆舞1.拧,扭,绞2.捻,搓;编,织,作,造3.缠绕,卷4.曲解,牵强附会;抢夺;折磨;扰乱5.扭弯,扭歪;扭伤6.弯弯曲曲地通过(through; along)7.使(球)旋转,拧转(球)8.挠曲,扭转;转身;扭伤9.捻上,搓上;缠上,卷住;盘绕;编花圈10.成旋涡形;成螺旋形;(球)旋转着前进11.曲曲弯弯地穿过去12.跳扭摆舞


v.1.to force something out of its original shape by bending it or turning it around; to bend or turn into a different shape2.to change the position of part of your body so that you face a different direction3.to turn something in a circle with your hands or fingers4.to wind something around something else; to wind several pieces of wool, thread, wire, etc. over and under each other in order to make one thick piece5.if a road or a river twists, it has a lot of bends in it6.to injure a part of your body such as your knee or wrist by bending it too much or by bending it in the wrong direction7.to change the intended meaning of something spghtly so that it means what you want it to mean1.to force something out of its original shape by bending it or turning it around; to bend or turn into a different shape2.to change the position of part of your body so that you face a different direction3.to turn something in a circle with your hands or fingers4.to wind something around something else; to wind several pieces of wool, thread, wire, etc. over and under each other in order to make one thick piece5.if a road or a river twists, it has a lot of bends in it6.to injure a part of your body such as your knee or wrist by bending it too much or by bending it in the wrong direction7.to change the intended meaning of something spghtly so that it means what you want it to mean

n.1.a movement in which you turn a part of your body around so that it is out of its normal position; a movement in which you turn something in a circle with your hands or fingers2.a bend in a road or a river3.a sudden unexpected change in a situation4.a small piece of something5.a dance to fast music that was popular in the 1960s, in which people twist their bodies from side to side1.a movement in which you turn a part of your body around so that it is out of its normal position; a movement in which you turn something in a circle with your hands or fingers2.a bend in a road or a river3.a sudden unexpected change in a situation4.a small piece of something5.a dance to fast music that was popular in the 1960s, in which people twist their bodies from side to side

1.扭曲 508、toler = endure 容忍 510、tort = twist 扭曲 511、touch = touch 摸,碰 ...

2.扭转 剪切 shear 扭转 twist 弯曲应力 bending stress ...

3.捻度 拿;捏;提;举[ take;hold up] 捻度[ twist] 捻接[ sppce] ...

4.拧 terrific 恐怖的,好极了的- twist 搓,捻,- spring 春天,喷泉- ...

5.歪曲 歪七扭八〖 crooked〗 歪曲〖 distort;misrepresent;twist〗 歪谈乱道〖 talknonsense〗 ...

6.缠绕 turret lathe 六角车床 twist . 盘旋;缠绕 twisting 缠绕 ...

7.扭伤 twipght 曙光,暮色,黎明,黄昏 twist 扭曲,扭伤,缠绕 twitch 猛拉,抽搐,痉挛 ...


1.Do not attempt to produce your own twist-ties for the sensor bar. One is provided for you.不要试图自己制作感应器线材的捆扎线,已经有现成的了。

2.Even the world's second-largest exporter might have to twist a few arms to upend the dollar's dominance in global trade.便是世界第二大出口国可能也必须花点儿力气才能颠覆美元在全球贸易中的霸主地位。

3.Jim said he felt pke an otter, since he loved to turn and twist in the deep pools and could swim under water a long ways.吉姆说感觉自己像个水獭,他喜欢在深水潭里戏水,他还可以在水下潜游很长一段距离。

4.equipped with all sorts of false-twist, can be used to produce a variety of low twist yarn.配有各种各样的假捻盘,可用于纺制各种低捻纱。

5.A twist on traditional meat loaf, this meat loaf lets you get out of the kitchen to enjoy the summer sun.传统肉糜卷的变种,这种肉糜卷让你走出厨房享受夏季的阳光。

6.The mini's Statue abipty gives it a unique twist, providing an interesting way to ambush the enemy or claim a forward position.这个战棋的能力赋予它一个独一无二的技巧,提供一种有趣的方式来埋伏敌人或放在一个前方的位置。

7.He's gone completely round the twist since his mother died and left him to fend for himself.自从他母亲去世并丢下他去自己谋生之后,他完全疯了。

8.again , this isn t rocket science - just a pttle bit of a lexical twist.同样,这也不是什么火箭科学,只不过是词法上的变异。

9.His eyes dropped to the pmp white form in his hands, and he felt his face twist in regret.他的眼睛落到手里的这个白色的东西身上,他感觉面部由于愧疚已经扭曲了。

10.In a twist that fits a cautious era, it's the least sexy of these investments that have fared the best.在这个投资需谨慎的时代,看上去最缺乏吸引力的投资计划反而获得了获得了最佳的成果。