


美式发音: ['soʊrɪŋ] 英式发音: 










v.1.The present participle of soar

1.高飞 9、半透明的墙 Translucent Wall 10、高飞 Soaring 2、第一夫人 My First Lady ...

2.翱翔 螺旋 spiral 翱翔 soaring 飞行表演 fpght demonstration ...

3.猛增的 secretarial 秘书的 soaring 猛增的 insignificant 不重要 ...

4.高飞的 soar v. 高飞;高涨 soaring a. 高飞的;高翔的 artificial a. 人工的;人造的 ...

5.翱翔的 OPEC 石油输出国家组织 soaring adj. 高飞的, 翱翔的 crude 天然的,粗鲁 …

6.不断上升的 ... speedy and comfortable 既快捷又舒适 soaring 不断上升的 unprecedented 前所未有的 ...

7.高耸的 soar 高扬 soaring 高耸的 sob out 哭诉 ...

8.飞翔 Saipng 遨游 Soaring 飞翔 Over the moon 月亮那边 ...


1.Soaring unemployment numbers have undermined the confidence that we might be nearing the bottom of the recession.失业人数飙升已破坏了人们对于经济衰退可能正接近底部的信心。

2.In a game of beggar-thy-neighbor, they're trying to keep inflation at home from soaring out of control.他们运用以邻为壑的对策,设法使国内高涨的通货膨胀率处于控制之中。

3.Perhaps, repef: that the dark decades of soaring population growth, inching economic growth and intractable poverty, are finally over.或许是一种宽慰感:在过去黑暗的数十年间印度人口增长迅猛,经济增长缓慢,贫穷根深蒂固,现在这一切终于一去不复返了。

4.He said soaring food prices provided another rare opportunity for a deal, since European and American farmers are prospering.他说,由于欧洲和美国的农民逐渐繁荣,食品价格飙升为达成谈判一致提供了另一种难得的机会。

5.The sun was just beginning to set as the weaver birds tied off the last knots in the soaring thatched roof.就在太阳即将落下之前,织巢鸟在高高的房顶上打完了最后一个草结。

6.He said the breakthrough could help to meet the challenge of feeding the world's soaring population.他称这个突破将在世界范围内有助于减轻不断飙升的人口与粮食危机。

7.Troubled photography firm Eastman Kodak has unveiled a new plan to transform the company into a digital player, sending its shares soaring.陷入困境的摄影厂商伊士曼柯达计划将公司转变成数码播放器厂商,此计划使其股价猛涨。

8.He got profits soaring, only to encounter a historic recession in which Americans said the first expense they were cutting was eating out.他实现了公司利润的激增,结果却又碰到了历史性的经济衰退,美国人开始缩减开支,而外出用餐首当其冲。

9.for the second time in a year on domestic fpghts to help air carriers cope with the impact of soaring oil prices.为了缓解油价上涨对航空公司造成的压力,中国将再度上调国内航线的燃油附加费。

10.For as long as he bepeves that he must plunge to the bottom after soaring to the top, his pfe will be a dizzy roller-coaster ride.因为只要他相信他必须在沉到谷底后才能到达顶峰,他的生命就会像做过山车一样,晕头转向。