


美式发音: [meɪt] 英式发音: [meɪt]




复数:mates  过去分词:mated  现在分词:mating  同义词反义词






1.[c](informal)朋友;伙伴a friend

They've been best mates since school.他们从上学时期以来就是最要好的朋友。

I was with a mate.我和一个朋友在一起。

友好的称呼friendly name

2.[c](informal)(男人之间常用)哥儿们,伙计,老兄used as a friendly way of addressing sb, especially between men

Sorry mate, you'll have to wait.对不起,伙计,你得等着。

All right, mate?行吗,哥儿们?

伙伴sb you share with

3.[c]同伴;同事;一同居住的人a person you share an activity or accommodation with


my room-mate/flatmate我的室友;和我同住一套公寓的人


4.[c]偶;伴侣either of a pair of birds or animals

A male bird sings to attract a mate.雄鸟鸣唱以吸引雌鸟。

性伴侣sexual partner

5.[c](informal)配偶;性伴侣a husband, wife or other sexual partner


6.[c](熟练工人的)助手,下手a person whose job is to help a skilled worker

a builder's/plumber's mate建筑工的╱管子工的助手

船舶on ship

7.[c](商船的)大副an officer in a commercial ship below the rank of captain or master


1.[i]~ (with sth)交配;交尾to have sex in order to produce young

Do foxes ever mate with dogs?狐狸会和狗交配吗?

2.[t]~ sth (to/with sth)使交配to put animals or birds together so that they will have sex and produce young

n.1.(工人间的)伙伴,同事;老兄,老弟〔工人,水手间的亲密称呼〕2.配偶〔男女任何一方〕;动物之偶(尤指鸟类);(一对中的)一只;配对物3.【航海】(商船的)大副;驾驶员; 【海军】〔美国〕二级准尉的助手〔相当于军士级别〕;【医学】(军医等的)助手

v.1.(使)成伙伴,(使)成配偶, (使)(鸟等)匹配,(使)交配;(使)紧密配合2.【象棋】逼将;将军;将死

n.1.a sexual or marriage partner2.either of a pair of animals that breed together3.a deck officer of a rank below the master on a merchant ship4.a petty officer in the U.S. Navy who assists a warrant officer5.an assistant to a skilled worker6.either of a pair of things that belong together7.a friend, also used as a friendly, or sometimes hostile, form of address to a man8.a junior officer in a navy9.an object that belongs with another and forms a pair with it10.checkmate in the game of chess1.a sexual or marriage partner2.either of a pair of animals that breed together3.a deck officer of a rank below the master on a merchant ship4.a petty officer in the U.S. Navy who assists a warrant officer5.an assistant to a skilled worker6.either of a pair of things that belong together7.a friend, also used as a friendly, or sometimes hostile, form of address to a man8.a junior officer in a navy9.an object that belongs with another and forms a pair with it10.checkmate in the game of chess

v.1.to come together or bring animals together to breed2.to combine or connect two things3.to join two people in marriage, or become joined in marriage4.to checkmate an opponent1.to come together or bring animals together to breed2.to combine or connect two things3.to join two people in marriage, or become joined in marriage4.to checkmate an opponent

1.配偶 Mateship 同事之谊 Mate 配偶,助手 Cantonese 广东话 ...

2.伙伴 vulnerable 易受伤害的 mate 交配 伙伴 gene 基因 ...

3.伴侣 soul mate 心灵伴侣 mate 伴侣,伙伴 sole mate 唯一伴侣 ...

4.交配 vulnerable 易受伤害的 mate 交配 伙伴 gene 基因 ...

5.马黛茶 Mateship 同事之谊 Mate 配偶,助手 Cantonese 广东话 ...

7.伙计 long-distance a. 长距离的 mate n. 朋友,伙伴,同事 mayor n. 市长 ...


1.When getting rid of that spouse, opens the door to true love and Happiness with your soul mate.当摆脱,配偶,打开门到真爱,幸福与你的灵魂伴侣。

2.I welcome the pmepght of television, but I doubt if an ideal mate can be matched through such a game show.我很高兴它成为电视节目的注目中心,但我很怀疑通过这样的节目能否找到理想的另一半。

3.After all this, the female tries to seduce the male, but he basically ignores her, because he knows she's not ready to mate.之后,雌豹试图诱惑雄豹,但雄豹基本上视而不见,因为他知道她还没有准备好交配。

4.If you were a team boss, which current driver would you pick first for your team (excluding yourself and your current team mate)?如果你是车队头头,现役车手你选谁(除你和你现队友之外)[哇,他有想过现队友咩?]。

5."That's not going to be easy, " his cubicle-mate, Jeff, said. "She's something of a legend here. "“那可不容易,”他的隔壁的同事杰夫说道,“在这里,她可是说是个传奇。”

6.The next time I'm back I'm going up to Boston and I'm going to take a shot at second mate's papers.下次我再回来的时候就去波士顿,我要拍张照片,以备二副证件上用。

7.The months are getting cooler but it is all starting to heat up for our spiders, which are focused on finding a mate.天气在逐渐转凉,但对我们正专注于找寻伴侣的蜘蛛来说,却是刚刚开始变热。

8.There was no stopping Pirlo as he then set up the second goal of the evening for team-mate Vincenzo Iaquinta to seal the 2-0 Italy victory.这还没有让皮尔洛停止下来,因为他随后又为队友文森佐·亚昆塔助攻了昨天晚上的第二个进球,从而帮助意大利2-0取得了胜利。

9.We can mate, so I'm going to see if one of these creatures wants to mate with me. Yeah.我们可以交配,所以我要看看这个同类是不是愿意和我交配。嗯。

10.Dr. Haltzman pnks open-mindedness to a woman's abipty to show respect for her mate's ideas, plans, and abipties.霍斯曼博士将女人的开放性和对伴侣的观点,计划与能力的尊重相结合。