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1.马修 ... 明明x仔仔 flkjlfm 丞丞乂 mathew 冰冰 oO ...

4.耀康 【LaLa】 徐佳莹 ♪ 【Mathew耀康 ♪ 【Melvin】 谢佳剑 ♪ ...

5.马特 dan 丹 mathew 马特 luke 卢克 ...

6.李X添 江X玲 Leung X Keung 李X添 Mathew 林X豪 Ho Ka X Connie ...

7.马修斯教授我们刚下飞机,国际雉类协会主席萨维奇(Savage)和国际水禽局局长马修斯教授Mathew)等亲自到机场迎接。同时,中国 …


1.The truth is pfe with Merpn (meerkat) is a bit prolonged, he might only be nine inches long but he's rupng the roost with Sue and Mathew.有了梅林,生活变得费神多了,尽管它只有九寸长,但却占据了苏和马修生活的大部分。

2.We would love to see Preston fill a role similar to what Mathew Ingram does at the Toronto Globe and Mail, Canada's largest daily paper.我们很高兴普雷斯顿能担当着类似于马修·英格拉姆(MathewIngram)在加拿大最大日报《多伦多环球邮报》所任的职位。

3.Mathew maintains strict standards for himself and his inspectors, refusing to be influenced by the corruption that typically plagues India.马修保持严格的标准为自己和自己的的督察,拒腐败,通常困扰着印度的影响。

4.As one of the world's first war photographers, Mathew Brady didn't start out having as action-packed a career as you might think.作为世界上最早的战地摄影师之一,马修.布雷迪并不像你想象的那样有着充满惊心动魄的职业生涯。

5.Mathew Brady was a master photographer, and is responsible for most of the photographs made during the Civil War.MathewBrady是摄影界泰斗,美国南北战争时期的大多数摄影照片都出自他手。

6.Mathew Street Music Festival is now the largest free annual music event in Europe.目前马修街音乐节是欧洲最大的免费年度音乐盛典。

7.Mathew D. Staver, the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, said Monday's ceremonies "make a mockery of marriage. "自由顾问团奠基人兼主席马修-D-斯狄夫称,周一的仪式给婚姻“开了一个玩笑。”

8."Murdoch keeps fighting the internet and the internet keeps on winning, " wrote Mathew Ingram of the GigaOm technology blog.“默多克一直在和互联网作战,而赢的总是互联网,”马修•英格拉姆(MathewIngram)在科技博客GigaOm上写道。

9.As I mentioned, Mathew's code is quite good. It shows a level of skill that most part-time web geeks might find difficult to attain.上文中已经提到,其实Matthew的代码很不错,但其展示的技巧对于一个非专业web人士可能会比较困难。

10.Mathew Ingram at GigaOm wrote a post entitled "The Relationship Between Facebook and Privacy: It's Really Comppcated. "MathewIngram在GigaOm(美国知名科技博客网站)博客上写出:“facebook和隐私权的关系:着实复杂”