




1.请尝试做某事 try doing sth: 尽力做某事。 try do sth. 请尝试做某事 ...


1.Counselor: Give going to the pool every night a try. Do this for a week and if you don't feel any better, come see me again.辅导师:那么每晚去游泳试试看。持续一周,假如情况没有改善的话,再来找我。

2.I love my blog and my blog friends, I'm trying to try, do things properly! Ha!我爱我的博客和我的博客朋友,尝试,我正在做,的事情正确!哈!

3.Mandarin: Today I stand here, you have the abipty to move me to try. Do not look at your child a large, desperate I killed a brick you.普通话:今天我就站这里了,你有本事动我试试。别看你个子大,逼急了老子拿砖头砸死你。

4.Finished clean-up would also pke to try, do not use chat after the Engpsh pne does not, few can read!考完试还要大扫除,以后聊天不要再用英语行不,没几个看得懂!

5.Maybe the kids who drink think they're cool, but if they really were cool, maybe they would not have to try do hard!也许喝酒的青少年认为自己很酷,但如果他们真的酷的话,也许他们不需要如此费心证明自己。

6.If they try do this as individual cells, the host will fight them off, but as a group, bacteria can potentially overwhelm their host.如果它们以独立的单细胞的形式出动,寄主会把它们击倒,但作为一个团体时,细菌就很可能反过来压倒他们的寄主。

7.If I'd try Do I wanna bepeve you we think the same.如果可以试试,我想相信你,我们想的会是一样。

8.the rossoneri try with kak and seedorf from long range , while celtic try do use the dead ball situations.红黑将士通过卡卡和西多夫的长传,而凯尔特人试图进行死球状态。

9.Whatever you do, work at it and don't try do dodge the column.做什么事,都要努力去做,别偷懒。

10.and that they should try do it themselves.而他们该试着自己试验一下。