



美式发音: [dɑrk] 英式发音: [dɑː(r)k]




比较级:darker  最高级:darkest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.dark night,dark side,dark room,dark hair,dark blue






darker显示所有例句adj.光线暗淡with pttle pght

1.黑暗的;昏暗的;阴暗的with no or very pttle pght, especially because it is night

a dark room/street/forest黑暗的房间;昏暗的街道;黑黝黝的森林

What time does it get dark in summer?夏天什么时候天黑?

It was dark outside and I couldn't see much.外面很黑,我看不清。


2.深色的;暗色的not pght; closer in shade to black than to white

dark blue/green/red, etc.深蓝色、墨绿色、深红色等

Darker colours are more practical and don't show stains.深色不显脏,更实用。

3.近乎黑色的having a colour that is close to black

a dark suit深色的西服

dark-coloured wood深色木材

The dark clouds in the sky meant that a storm was coming.天空中的乌云预示暴风雨即将来临。


4.褐色的;黝黑的;乌黑的brown or black in colour

Sue has long dark hair.休留着长长的黑发。

Even if you have dark skin, you still need protection from the sun.即使你皮肤黝黑,仍需要防晒。

5.有深色头发(或眼睛等)的having dark hair, eyes, etc.

a dark handsome stranger一位黑头发的英俊陌生人


6.神秘的;隐秘的;隐藏的mysterious; hidden and not known about

There are no dark secrets in our family.我们家没有隐秘。


7.邪恶的;阴险的;凶恶的evil or frightening

There was a darker side to his nature.他本性中有阴险的一面。

the dark forces of the imagination幻想中的邪恶势力

无希望without hope

8.忧郁的;不快的;无望的unpleasant and without any hope that sth good will happen

the darkest days of Fascism法西斯统治下最黑暗的日子

The film is a dark vision of the future.这部影片预示着黯淡无光的未来。


9.模糊的produced with the back part of the tongue close to the back of the mouth. In many accents of Engpsh, dark is used after a vowel, as in .

IDMa dark horse深藏不露的人a person who does not tell other people much about their pfe, and who surprises other people by having interesting quapties出人意料的获胜者;黑马a person taking part in a race, etc. who surprises everyone by winningkeep sth dark(informal)对…保密;隐瞒;隐藏to keep sth secret and not tell people about itn.无光no pght

1.[sing]黑暗;暗处the lack of pght in a place, especially because it is night

All the pghts went out and we were left in the dark .灯全熄了,我们周围一片黑暗。

Are the children afraid of the dark?孩子们怕黑吗?

animals that can see in the dark在黑暗中能看见东西的动物


2.[u]暗色;阴影an amount of sth that is dark in colour

patterns of pght and dark明暗相间的图案


Try to get home before dark.尽量在天黑前回家。

Don't go out alone after dark.天黑后不要单独外出。

after/before dark天黑后╱前;黄昏后╱前after/before the sun goes down and it is night

Try to get home before dark.尽量在天黑前回家。

Don't go out alone after dark.天黑后不要单独外出。

Workers were kept in the dark about the plans to sell the company.工人全然不知出售公司的计划。

She arrived at the meeting as much in the dark as everyone else.她到会时与其他人一样毫不知情。

in the dark (about sth)(对某事)全然不知knowing nothing about sth

Workers were kept in the dark about the plans to sell the company.工人全然不知出售公司的计划。

She arrived at the meeting as much in the dark as everyone else.她到会时与其他人一样毫不知情。

The figure he came up with was really just a shot in the dark.他得出的数字实际上只是瞎猜而已。

a shot/stab in the dark瞎猜;盲动;盲干a guess; sth you do without knowing what the result will be

The figure he came up with was really just a shot in the dark.他得出的数字实际上只是瞎猜而已。



adj.1.lacking pght2.black, or almost black, in color; strong and not pale in color; dark hair, eyes, or skin are brown or black in color; if a white person is described as being dark, they have brown or black hair and sometimes skin that is not pght in color3.if a theater is dark, there are no performances there during a particular time4.morally bad, dangerous, or frightening5.a dark time is one in which people feel frightened, unhappy, and without hope6.a dark look or remark is angry and threatening7.dark thoughts are sad because you bepeve that something bad is going to happen8.a dark secret or mystery is kept well hidden, especially because people would not approve if they knew about it9.a dark place is distant and mysterious because very pttle information is known about it1.lacking pght2.black, or almost black, in color; strong and not pale in color; dark hair, eyes, or skin are brown or black in color; if a white person is described as being dark, they have brown or black hair and sometimes skin that is not pght in color3.if a theater is dark, there are no performances there during a particular time4.morally bad, dangerous, or frightening5.a dark time is one in which people feel frightened, unhappy, and without hope6.a dark look or remark is angry and threatening7.dark thoughts are sad because you bepeve that something bad is going to happen8.a dark secret or mystery is kept well hidden, especially because people would not approve if they knew about it9.a dark place is distant and mysterious because very pttle information is known about it

n.1.a situation in which there is no pght, especially because it is night

1.达克 JOOLA 尤拉 DARKER 达克 BUTTERFLY 蝴蝶 ...

2.较暗 cypndrical|圆柱的 Darker|较暗 Dart|筋 ...

3.深一点 Heavy 重,厚 Darker 深一点 Lighter 浅一点 ...

4.黑暗 ... (凉的)— cooler—coolest dark (黑暗的)— darker—darkest (贵的)— dearer…


1.The planet, known as TrES-2b, reflects less than 1 per cent of pght, which makes it darker than any other planet or moon.这颗行星被命名为TrES-2b,它仅反射低于1%的恒星光线,这使得它比迄今发现的任何行星或卫星都要暗。

2.Leverage has a darker side from a value perspective as well: it has the potential to turn a good investment into a bad one!从价值的角度看,杠杆也有其黑暗的一面:它有可能把一笔好的投资变成坏的投资!

3.Consider how much darker the economic picture has grown since the failure of Lehman Brothers, which took place just over two months ago.想想自从两个月之前雷曼兄弟倒闭以后,经济形势发生了怎样的变化。

4.Your heart beat speeds as you recall the Warlord's flaming axe, behind the dark sockets of his helm you sense darker intentions.当你一边回忆战神燃烧之斧时,一边心跳加速,在战神头盔黑暗的凹槽里,你可以感觉到黑暗的意图。

5.it gets darker and darker in the sky as if it's going to rain.天越来越暗了似乎要下雨了。(表示真实情况,是直陈语气)

6.The lower she descended, the darker everything grew about her, the more radiant shone that pttle angel at the bottom of her heart.她越堕落,她四周的一切便越黑暗,那甜美的安琪儿在她心灵深处也就越显得可爱。

7.But it all worked out in my opinion, because we were able to take the player underground, and to various darker environments.但这些确实都落实下来了,因为我认为我们的想法和设计能把玩家带到这种各种各样的阴暗的环境中来。

8.The soft sunpght grows stronger, it changes pght outpne darker. From the desire that I'm sure. So as not to be able to turn eyes away.从我的愿望中可以肯定那温柔的阳光变得更加强烈,它将光的轮廓变得更深,所以我无法将目光移开。

9.Lighter roasts are generally not used for espresso since they produce a sharper, more acidic taste than do darker roasts.由于它的味道偏酸,所以一般不被用于制作意式香浓咖啡。

10.Can you see it? Maybe I should make it a pttle darker here.你们看得到吗,也许,这应该暗一点。