




1.松井死神的圣物 配乐问题,为甚么音响会嗡嗡叫,有人买过松井格莉特(matsui)电钢琴?,icrt----weekly top 40,少女时代的舞如 …

5.松井色素印花方面使用的助剂与颜料,此部份产品主要是代理日本松井色素(MATSUI)的商品,日本松井色素是专门生产印花助剂方面 …

6.松井牌20 78.02.21Q862-0088ML624GHS-3直喷式涡增压 日本 松井牌(MATSUI) 650.0 420 6 4240.0 400 152.10149.00155.00


1.They did not ask anything even at the general Matsui's press conference.他们什么都没有问,即使是在松井石根将军的记者会上。

2.The enemy into a minefield all been wiped out the guerrillas, Matsui laparotomy suicide.陷入地雷阵的敌兵全被游击队歼灭,松井剖腹自杀。

3.when matsui went down , the yankees found a savior in young melky cabrera , who helped the team continue on.松井受伤期间,洋基找到年轻的救兵麦基卡布瑞拉(牛奶),他帮助球队持续挺进。

4.as right fielder bobby abreu deals with his offensive skid , matsui has picked up the slack , and his contributions have not gone unnoticed.当右外野手阿不瑞尤处理著他自己进攻打击上的不利,松井接棒了,且松井的贡献有目共睹。

5.suzuki led off the seventh with a deep drive into the gap , but left fielder hideki matsui caught it on the run.铃木一朗在第七局也击出深远的平飞球,但是松井秀喜在跑动中接住这个球。

6.the yankees will also have the services of hideki matsui , who missed four months with his own wrist injury , for the entire season.洋基队也有松井秀喜的效力,他也因为手腕受伤缺阵了四个月。

7.After the entry of MATSUI and MUTO into the city, the situation did not improve for weeks.松井和武藤进入南京后,形势连续几个星期没有任何好转。

8.Li Xiangyang and bring people into town, blow up the army out, the crafty and immediate withdrawal of troops Matsui has just returned.李向阳又带人进城,炸掉军列,狡猾的松井刚刚带兵撤离又立刻返回。

9.Ichiro Suzuki and Hideki Matsui are baseball heroes, but sometimes they seem pke superhuman demi-gods pving on a higher plane.铃木一朗和松井秀喜是棒球英豪,但是更多的时候,他们就像是神一般高高在上地存在于我们的心中。

10.But moves to slow China's growth may not be a negative for Japan, according to Goldman Sachs chief Japan strategist Kathy Matsui.但据高盛(GoldmanSachs)首席日本策略师松井(KathyMatsui)说,为减缓中国经济增速而实施的举措对日本来说不一定是坏事。