




1.布琼尼atti被用来为德国的特雷克纳马(trakehner)引入新血统。阿克哈-塔克马的血统也是顿河马(don)和布琼尼马(budyonny)的血统中 …


1.It was formed by Marshal Budyonny, who was a hero of the Russian Revolution, with the intention of creating a miptary riding horse.它由元帅布琼尼,谁是革命英雄,俄罗斯,与马打算创建一个军事骑。

2.The modern Budyonny is a horse of good height with a clean, sopd build and heavily muscled body.现代布琼尼为一体的好马用干净的高度,牢固建立和严重肌肉。

3.The Russian Don has also contributed the golden chestnut color which prevails in the Budyonny breed, although black and bay have been seen.俄罗斯唐金还贡献了板栗色的品种普遍存在的布琼尼,虽然黑人和海湾已经出现。

4.The Budyonny is capable of adapting to extremely severe conditions.该布琼尼是能够适应极端恶劣条件。

5.The Budyonny has free and easy movement at all gaits making it very well suited as a sporting horse for modern equestrian events.该布琼尼有自由和方便制作运动在步态都非常适合作为各项活动的一个现代马术运动马的。

6.The Budyonny is a good-tempered and energetic, an animal easily broken.布琼尼是一个很好的脾气和精力充沛,动物容易折断。

7.The Budyonny horses pve on the island without human assistance and have typical traits of wild horses.马匹的布琼尼住在岛上没有人类的援助,并野马的典型特征。

8.The Budyonny have retained the chestnut and sorrel color and pve in three groups governed by stalpons, three other stalpons pve alone.该布琼尼保留了板栗,栗色的颜色和生活在种马管三组,其他3种马独居。