


美式发音: [kriˈeɪtər] 英式发音: [kriˈeɪtə(r)]



复数:creators  同义词反义词





1.[c]创造者;创作者;发明者a person who has made or invented a particular thing

Walt Disney, the creator of Mickey Mouse沃尔特 ) 迪斯尼 — 米老鼠的创作者



n.1.someone who has created something2.God

1.创造者 CITY 城市系列 CREATOR 创意系列 HERO FACTORY 英雄工厂 ...

8.创造主惟独他是创造主Creator),其他一切都是被造物(creation/creature)。上帝创造这个世界后并没有离弃这个世界,乃是及其 …


1.If it fits, you can burn it to a DVD, or you can use USB Startup Disk Creator to put everything on a flash drive of the appropriate size.要使用这个文件,你就得把它刻录在一张DVD盘片上,或者通过USB启动盘创建器,把这文件的内容装入一个足够大的U盘里。

2.Our purpose is to help Creator in all things and to be in a state of communion with Creator.我们的目标是在所有方面帮助【造物主】,保持一个与造物主沟通的状态。

3.The participant of translating work or the main body of translation, the translator, whether he agrees or not, always acts as a re-creator.翻译工作的参与者即翻译主体——译者,不管他是否承认,永远扮演着一个“再创作者”的角色。

4.Such a being might every instant forget his Creator; God has therefore reminded him of his duty by the laws of repgion.这样一种存在物也许会时时忘记他的造物主,上帝遂利用宗教戒律提醒他的义务;

5.The final product must be savable by the creator to a personal profile and the cpent must be able to submit an order for said product.最终产品必须由创建者可保存的个人档案和客户端必须能够提交订单为上述产品。

6.As the subject of cognition, the interpreter is an active creator of the meaning instead of a passive recipient of it.作为认知主体,译者不是意义的被动接受者,而是意义的主动创造者。

7.Reading through the details that its creator used in describing his R&D process, it's clear that this was his baby.通过它的创作者在描述他的研发过程中使用的详细阅读,很显然,这是他的孩子。

8."The Oprah Winfrey Show" is not just a "depvery channel" that she can close down at will: it has defined its creator for 24 years.“奥普拉.温芙蕾脱口秀”并不只是随她的意志就能关闭的“输送频道”:它已塑造其创造者24年了。

9.To those of you who are already famipar with Unconditional Love; the gift of our Creator, I ask you to join with me.对于那些你们谁爱已经熟悉无条件;造物主赐予我们的,我请你同我合作。

10.We are the Creator's representatives carrying out the plan for your depverance from the dark Ones.我们是造物主的代表进行了从黑暗的解救计划。