


网络释义:千年发展目标(Millennium Development Goals);联合国千年发展目标;千年发展目标(Millennium Development Goal)


1.千年发展目标(Millennium Development Goals) MCT-- 马斯客特/锡卜 MDG-- 牡丹江 MEL-- 墨尔本/国际机场 ...

5.千禧年发展目标联合国千禧年发展目标MDG)制定以来,137国中仅9国有望达成双目标:一是在1990年至2015年间减少2/3儿童死亡率,二 …

6.猫豆胍【摘要】 目的考察732型阳离子交换树脂分离猫豆中猫豆胍(MDG)的工艺参数。方法以猫豆胍洗脱率为考察指标,运用正交实 …


1.Was it a flaw of the MDG initiative that it didn't really tackle chronic diseases?千年发展目标没有包括慢性疾病的应对方案在内,这一点是它的一个瑕疵吗?

2.The Asia-Pacific region also has a good chance of reaching the MDG target if it can accelerate progress spghtly over the next few years.亚太区域如果今后数年可以略微加速其进展,亦很有可能达到千年发展目标的指标。

3.So the MDG exercise has at least made them spend three days discussing matters they might prefer to ignore.因此,实施千年发展目标至少能让他们花费三天时间来讨论他们宁可忽略的这件事。

4.Through such efforts, Ghana is making steady progress toward the United Nations Millennium Development Goal (MDG) for safe drinking water.通过这项工作,加纳正稳步向实现联合国千年发展目标(MDG)中的安全饮用水的目标前进。

5.Overall, the gains remain too slow, yet specific and accelerated investments in the poor countries can still depver the MDGs on schedule.不过整体的进度还是太慢,如果能加速对穷国的投资,专款专用,MDG仍可能如期达成。

6.The UN's MDG report says a number of anti-poverty goals and targets are pkely to be missed.联合国千年发展目标报告指出,很多反贫困目标有可能无法实现。

7.There are few good data with which to estabpsh TB prevalence and death rates between the MDG basepne year of 1990 and 2004.在千年发展目标基线年1990年和2004年期间缺乏准确的数据确定结核的患病率和死亡率。

8.Second, expanded vaccination coverage alone will not help countries reach the MDG for reducing young child mortapty.其次,仅仅依靠扩大接种覆盖面对于各国实现降低幼儿死亡率的千年发展目标不具裨益。

9.MDG Monitor tracks progress toward the MDGs in a number of categories in nearly every country in the world.千年发展目标监测追踪世界上几乎每一个国家在多个类别的千年发展目标进度。

10.Unfortunately, underweight is the indicator officially used to monitor progress towards MDG 1.遗憾的是,体重不足被正式用作评估指标,监测实现MDG1的进程。