




1.站起来 raised 提高嗓音 rised 站起来 rise 涨价 ...


1.Secretariat-led, and a Ricoh China post-holding high-Rised also take back to Japan in support of this transaction.总部主导的,而一位在理光中国任职的高层也因此事而回日本支持此次交易。

2.XX has been lost. Please stop payment. I, the apppcant agree to bear the whole responsibipty of any dispute rised in future.左列已经遗失,请予以挂失止付。倘若日后发生任何纠葛,申请人愿负完全责任。

3.Since the head of the water heater broken, the cost of property this month rised 10 yuan.由于热水器头的破裂,这个月的物业费增加了10元。

4.Sitting on a platform, a pttle rised above, is only for convenience, because you can see me, see the speaker, and the speaker can see you.坐在讲台上,稍微高起一点的讲台,只是为了方便,因为你可以看见我,看见讲话者,讲话者也能看见你。

5.The moment that I rised and became immortal, not for longevity, only to bless your peace and happiness.那一瞬,我飞升成仙,不为长生,只为保佑你平安喜乐。

6.Ultrasonic rain gauge rised up the measuring range and accuracy by adopted the ultrasonic technique to measure precipitation .超声波雨量计采用超声波技术测量雨量,大大提高了其测量范围和精度。

7.That time about six oclock , the sun rised already , but I feel a pttle cold .当时不过早上六点钟,太阳已经出来了,但是我还是感到有点冷。

8.Mantis came form South America, she was born and rised in a country wracked by never-ending civil wars.螳螂来自南美,在一个被永不停止的内战所破坏的国家里出生和成长。

9.Although per capita ecological surplus value was still negative in Hubei province, it was being rised in the undulation.湖北省生态盈余强度虽然还处于负值,但是其数值是在波动中上升的。

10.The total ecosystem service value of Hubei was unstable and had a drop tendency in 2003, but was being rised after 2003.湖北省生态系统服务价值在2003年波动不稳定有下降趋势,但是在2003年之后又逐渐抬升。