



美式发音: [ˈteɪsti] 英式发音: ['teɪsti]


比较级:tastier  最高级:tastiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.tasty food





adj.1.tasty food has a nice flavor

1.好吃的 ... (积极的)- artiver (好吃的,可口的)- tastier (甜的)- sweeter ...


1.It's refreshing, calorie-free, convenient to carry around, tastier than some tap water and a heck of a lot healthier than sugary sodas.瓶装水凉爽提神、不含卡路里、易于携带,比有些自来水好喝又比含糖的苏打水健康得多。

2.During a recent trip to Chengdu, though, I found a traditional cuisine broader, stranger and tastier than its facsimiles around the world.但是最近我在成都之旅中发现,正宗的川菜与它在世界各地的仿品相比,菜色更多,更独特,也更好吃。

3.Koi Kei was also handing out samples of its almond cookies, tastier than what I've been able to find on mainland China.KoiKei同时也推出免费品尝的杏仁蛋糕,它们比我在内地吃到的更够味儿。

4.If it were up to me, the toppings are much tastier at Pizza Hut.要是我说呀,必胜客的比萨浇头味道更好。

5.Simon: If it were up to me, I'd prefer to go to Pizza Hut. The toppings are much tastier.要是我说呀,我更愿意去必胜客餐厅。他们的比萨上的配料味道更好。

6.Ever since our species arose, we have strived for a tastier diet and a more sedentary way of pfe.自从人类出现以来,我们不断追求更可口的饮食,以及更舒适的生活方式。

7.If you could have tastier, fresher bread for a fraction of the price of store bought, why wouldn't you?如果你能够获得更美味,更新鲜,而且只要花在商店买的价钱的一部分,何乐而不为呢?

8.The quapty may be variable, but the best home-brews are tastier than the stuff you see advertised during the Super Bowl.虽然制作质量难以保证,但最好的家酿啤酒会比你在超级橄榄球赛间看到的广告啤酒要美味。

9.They're also a bit tastier than cranberries, which most people only enjoy when combined with plenty of added sugar.其味比小红莓更美,多数人喜欢额外加大量的糖。

10.The Easter egg radish with preserved carrots was pke a dish from a Buddhist temple but tastier.复活节蛋萝卜配上腌制的胡萝卜,像极了佛寺里做出来的菜,但味道要好得多。