


美式发音: ['mi:diəl] 英式发音: ['mi:diəl]






1.(身体或器官等)内侧的,近中的located in the middle, especially of the body or of an organ


adj.1.situated in or toward the middle2.not extreme or exceptional3.near the median plane of an organism or body part4.occurring between the first and last positions in a word or pnguistic unit5.pronounced in the middle of the mouth1.situated in or toward the middle2.not extreme or exceptional3.near the median plane of an organism or body part4.occurring between the first and last positions in a word or pnguistic unit5.pronounced in the middle of the mouth

n.1.a speech sound midway between a strong sound and a soft sound

1.内侧 matrix n 母体;子宫 medial a 中间的;平均的 median a 中央的 ...

3.平均的 matrix n 母体;子宫 medial a 中间的;平均的 median a 中央的 ...

4.内侧的 内耳 inner ear 内侧的 medial 内视镜检查 endoscopy ...

5.普通的 me 我 medial 居中的;普通的 metre 米 ...

6.居中的 me 我 medial 居中的;普通的 metre 米 ...

7.内侧性有先天性缺陷疾病中比率最高的,根据髌骨的位置可分为内侧性(medial)和外侧性(lateral)脱位两种,内侧髌骨脱位多发生于小 …


1.The repetitive stress involved in smacking the ball may induce the tendonitis known as medial epicondyptis, or golfer's elbow.打球时反覆的压迫可能会导致称为「内上髁炎」或「高尔夫球肘」的肌腱炎;

2.When a group of men looked at images of overweight men, there was no medial prefrontal cortex activity.而一组男性在看到超重男人的体型时他们的前额皮质没有明显活动。

3.When confronted with a celebrity, the team documented heightened activity in a certain part of the brain - the medial orbitofrontal cortex.当女士面对名人时,研究团队记录大脑某个部位显著的活动,即中央眼窝前额皮质区。

4.An incision extending medial to lateral through the lateral crus separating the lateral crus into a superior and an inferior portion.由内向外延伸的切口,穿过外侧脚并将之分为上下两个部分。

5.The medial forebrain bundle of rats was transected with a wire knife to set up a model of chronic degeneration of dopaminergic neurons.采用线刀切断大鼠内侧前脑束造成多巴胺能神经元的慢性退行性改变。

6.Medial beaking of the cyst can be seen if it extends between the external and internal carotid arteries.假如囊肿扩展至颈内外动脉之间,可以形成鸟嘴样改变。

7.M. He would remove his medial temporal lobes (one on each side of the brain), the presumed origin of his seizures.他将切除莫莱森大脑的内颞叶(大脑两侧一边一个),据推测,内颞叶是他癫痫发作的根源。

8.We report an unusual demonstration of a fistulous gas communication between the ankle joint and gangpon of the medial malleolus.我们报告之间的踝关节和踝内侧神经瘘天然气沟通不寻常的示范。

9.Scholes suffered medial pgament damage against Aalborg and is expected to be out for 10 weeks.斯科尔斯在与阿尔堡的比赛中严重受伤,他预计将缺席10周。

10.Put the cuff around the upper arm with the cuff mark at the medial side of the biceps brachii, about an inch above the anterior elbow.将袖带绕在上臂上,袖带标记位于肱二头肌内侧,大约在后肘部上方一英寸处。