


美式发音: [ˈmedɪˌker] 英式发音: [ˈmedɪˌkeə(r)]

n.老年保健医疗制度(美国政府向 65 岁以上的人提供医疗保险)




1.医疗保障制度,老年保健医疗制度(美国政府向 65 岁以上的人提供医疗保险)(in the US) the federal insurance system that provides medical care for people over 65

2.医疗保健制度(澳大利亚和加拿大政府为所有国民而设,资源来自税收;加拿大拼写为 medicare)(in Austrapa and Canada) the national medical care system for all people that is paid for by taxes (spelt ‘medicare’ in Canada)


n.1.a system in the U.S. in which the government pays part of the cost of medical treatment for people who are over 65 years old



3.医疗保健全民医疗保健Medicare)计划,主要是补偿公立医院医疗服务(含住宿费、伙食费)的全部费用、私立医院医疗服务项目中 …

4.联邦医疗保险计划至於联邦医疗保险计划Medicare)则是为65岁及以上人士,或65岁以下而有某些残障的人士,以及任何年岁末期肾脏病患者 …

5.老年医疗保险  “老年医疗保险”(Medicare);另一种是为低收入的美国人提供的,称之为“医疗辅助   保险”(Medicaid)。   先让我们介绍一下“ …


1.Medicare, where the same people who screamed about death panels are now trying to dismantle the whole program, was the most obvious.一项是“老年医保”,去年喊叫“死亡专案小组”的那些人现在正在设法摧毁整个计划,这一点最明显。

2.Keep in mind that the government, Medicare, and other programs are not going to take care of you as much as you think.要记住,政府、医疗保障等等社会福利项目所能提供给你的,不会像你所想的那么多。

3."By the time I wake up, I'll have an email from AARP asking me to call President Obama and tell him to protect Medicare, " he quipped.“当我起床的时候,我将会收到AARP(美国退休人员协会)发来的电子邮件,要求我给奥巴马总统打电话并告诉他保护老年保健医疗制度”他说着俏皮话。

4.The services available under traditional Medicare and Medicaid (for the elderly and the poor respectively) would also have to be rationed.在传统医疗保险和医疗补助下(针对老年人和穷人),有用的服务必须定量配给。

5.A number of people have pointed out that this is a bit funny coming from a party that tried to block Medicare's creation.很多的人都挑明了说:这一点由一个曾试图制止设立医疗保险体系的党提出来实在有些搞笑。

6.It may be appropriate to accept assignment on a Medicare claim or not pursue a copayment or deductible on an indemnity claim.它可适当接受了医疗保险索赔转让或不能搞一个部分负担,或在赔偿索赔中扣除。

7.The Ohio Medical Association, with ten thousand physician members, declared that it would boycott Medicare, and a nationwide movement began.拥有1万名医师成员的俄亥俄州医药协会宣称,他们将抵制医疗保险的实施,并且断言一场全国性运动已经展开。

8.The most straightforward would be a gradual slowing in the rate of growth of benefits in the Social Security and Medicare programmes.最直接的做法是逐渐地降低社会保障(SocialSecurity)及联邦医疗保险(Medicare)福利金的增长率。

9.You're setting up a new health-care program that grows at 8 percent a year by promising to cut the one [Medicare] that you haven't fixed.你正在建立一个新的、每年扩容8%的医疗体系,手段是通过承诺消减还未确定的一项[医疗措施]。

10.In fact, Medicare would be broke by 2017 - and that the only way to keep it solvent was to 'control runaway growth' in health-care spending.事实上,医保体系到2017年可能破产--而让医保体系保持偿付能力的唯一办法就是控制卫生保健开支的过快增长。