


美式发音: [mɛˈdinə] 英式发音: [meˈdi:nə]






n.1.the oldest part of many North African cities

un.1.city in western Saudi Arabia, the site of the Mosque of the Prophet that houses the tomb of Muhammad.

1.麦地那“麦地那”(medina)在阿拉伯语中的意思就是老城,专指阿拉伯人传统聚居的城区。而突尼斯的“麦地那”已被联合国教科文组织 …

2.麦地那市当晚在麦地那市Medina)邹黎尼‧麦考和布鲁斯‧麦考(Jolene and Bruce McCaw)的家中还将举行私人晚宴,参加晚宴则需 …

3.麦地纳俄亥俄州麦地纳Medina)警察局长贝拉杜奇(Patrick Berarducci)说,在俄亥俄北部举行的枪支展览上,一名男子遭受生意 …

4.麦迪那麦迪那(Medina)市 Council Position No. 2第2号议席Vall-Spinosa, Pete (NP) Whitney, Shawn B. (NP) City of Medina麦迪那(Me…

5.老城麦地那前往地中海边的港口城市苏斯,游览的主要景点有:【老城麦地那】(Medina)(游览时间不少于30分钟),【艾尔.甘达坞伊 …

6.麦地纳老城新城区的北边就是麦地纳老城MEDINA),一眼就能看到标志性的钟楼,以及有点退色而显斑驳的老城墙。老式居民楼里仍然 …



1.Mind you this is a man who got lost in the Marrakech Medina. . . now if it had been Fez, we might have understood.值得一提,这男人曾经在梅迪纳的马拉喀什迷过路。如果这是菲斯的话,我们大概可以理解。

2.You see, the king of Saudi Arabia, also known as the Keeper of the Two Holy Mosques of Mecca and Medina, can visit the pope in the Vatican.沙特阿拉伯的国王,也是麦加和麦地那两个大清真寺的守护人,可以来梵蒂冈拜访教宗。

3.Defense officials at the Pentagon said the Apaches encountered heavy groundfire during their assault on the Medina armored division.五角大楼的国防官员表示,美国人在与麦地那装甲师交火的时候遭遇到猛烈反击。

4.Eduardo Medina Mora, the sacked attorney-general, was a former businessman and a powerful and independent figure.被解雇的爱德华多•梅迪纳•莫拉曾经是位商人,也是一位颇具影响力的独立人物。

5.At a local charity that offers food to the poor, Mexican American activist Pancho Medina says the law targets Hispanics.提供食物给穷人,墨西哥美国活动家潘乔梅迪纳说,这项法律目标的西班牙人。

6.Medina joined the company in 2007 and has served as the chief financial officer of Wal-Mart Puerto Rico and most recently of Wal-Mart Chile.梅迪纳2007年加入沃尔玛,曾担任波多黎各分公司的首席财务长,目前在沃尔玛智利分公司任职。

7.We see it in Jupo Medina, a former inmate who leads a faith-based program to help prisoners returning to society.我们在胡里奥·梅迪纳身上看到了美国精神,他出狱后怀着信仰,领导了一个帮助犯人重返社会的帮助计划。

8.In 7th century Medina, for instance, Jews were allowed to openly practice their repgion with the protection of their Muspm rulers.举例来说,在7世纪的麦地那,犹太人就被允许在穆斯林统治者的保护之下公开进行宗教仪式。

9.A truly nice guy, Medina says the show doesn't owe him a thing, and that he's grateful for all the show has given him already.他说节目组并不欠他什么,他对于这个节目所给予他的一切已是很感激了。

10.This elegant Moroccan medina with its pght, contemporary touch is calming, comfortable, private yet inspiringly open.这家高雅与摩洛哥的麦地那它的光,当代触感平静,舒适,私人而鼓舞地开放。