




1.中等身材 ... Medium-height Grass 中草 Medium-height 中等身材 be of medium height 是属于中等身高 ...


1.He was forty-five years of age, of medium height, fairly thick-set, not at all unprepossessing.他已经45岁,中等身材,矮矮胖胖的,不完全是胸无城府的。

2.He was a man of medium height with a spght paunch. His eyes shone with joy.他中等身材,小腹微微隆起,眼睛里闪烁着快乐的光芒。

3.Antonia's father was a spare man of medium height, with yellowish face, thin, grey moustache, ironical eyebrows.安东妮亚的父亲是一个不高不矮的清瘦人物,黄黄的面孔,稀疏花白的唇髭,带着讥讽味儿的眉毛。

4.Prince Bolkonsky was a very handsome young man, of medium height, with clear, clean-cut features.博尔孔斯基公爵个子不大,是一个非常漂亮的青年,眉清目秀,面部略嫌消瘦。

5.She's of medium height and of medium build, with big eyes and long curly hair.她中等身高,中等身材,长着一双大眼睛,留着一头长卷发。

6.Almond-shaped, set at medium height, the distance between them must be wide.杏仁状,中等高度为,它们之间的距离必须广泛。

7.One of them was in his forties, of medium height, with a pointed face and black, piercing eyes.一个是四十多岁,中等身材,一张三角脸,深陷的黑眼睛炯炯有光;

8.He is of medium height and fit-seeming in a compact way, with thick dark hair and a long face that generally has an impish expression .他中等身材,看上去很匀称干练。厚实的深色头发,脸稍长,看上去还有些顽皮的气质。

9.He was of medium height, with wide shoulders and a strong chest.他中等身材,肩膀宽阔,有着结实的胸膛。

10.Female: Well, um. . . let me see. He was medium height, about thirtyish . I all happened so quickly it's hard to remember.哦,嗯,让我想想,他中等身材,大约…高,事情太突然了,我也记不清了。