



美式发音: [ˈreɪnˌboʊ] 英式发音: [ˈreɪnˌbəʊ]



复数:rainbows  同义词反义词





na.1.2.〈美俚〉美妙的梦想3.五彩药片[药丸]〔一种巴比妥类安眠药〕(=rainbow pill)

n.1.a curved pne of colors that appears in the sky when the sun shines while it is raining

1.虹 39、Faraway 遥 40、Rainbows 45、Mirage of the East 亚 ...

2.虹的偏极化 ... 云雾室 Synchrotron 虹的偏极化 Rainbows 幻日 Fog Bows ...


4.和平之月系列·虹 ... 和平之月系列·亚 Mirage of the East 和平之月系列·虹 Rainbows 和平之月系列·雪 Snow ...

5.七道彩虹 ... 漂亮的天花板 Beautiful ceipng 七道彩虹 7 rainbows 荷兰花球 Flower ball from the Netherlands ...

6.紫色阴影 不知道用什么名字 ddxgc 紫色阴影 rainbows 一杯清水的幸福 Sam Flynn ...

7.彩虹岛 走过往昔 By Gones 彩虹岛 Rainbows 光华 璨 璀 Facets ...


1.I know it has stars that talk to him, and a sky that stoops down to his face to amuse him with its silly clouds and rainbows.我知道繁星会对他私语,天空会俯身来到他的面前,用它傻傻的云朵和彩虹来逗弄他。

2.To see why rainbows are curved it helps to understand what causes them in the first place.了解彩虹为什么是弯的可以帮助我们理解他们最初是如何发生的。

3.As she rushed across the sky, she would leave a trail of color, forming rainbows.她在天空匆匆飞过时会留下一道色彩,形成彩虹。

4.At the moment of his birth, a bright star pt up the sky, the seasons spontaneously changed from winter to spring, and rainbows appeared.他出生的时候,一颗明亮的星星照亮了整个夜空,季节自然而然地从冬天转入了春天,并且天空中出现了彩虹。

5.We've all seen rainbows shimmering across the sky as the sun returns after a downpour.滂沱大雨后的晴空下,我们往往会看到阳光下若隐若现的彩虹。

6.Basically, China is looking for a good "parking space" for a moon lander, in a less-known area of the moon known as the Bay of Rainbows.基本上,中国是在一片较不为人知,名为“彩虹湾”的区域里寻找一处适合登月飞行器着陆的地点。

7.Ryan, who records for Nashville's Lost Highway Records, thanked his wife during his speech, saying he loved her "more than rainbows. "赖安,他为纳什维尔的迷失公路制作了唱片,在他的演讲中他感谢他的妻子,说他爱她“超过彩虹”。

8.It was the biggest crow she had ever seen, plump and sleek, with rainbows shining in its black feathers.这是她见过的最大的一只乌鸦,它丰满而且光滑,黑色的羽毛闪烁着彩虹般的光芒。

9.One will see the upper rainbows evening out with equal proportions of each tone or color.你将看到上半部的彩虹逐渐均匀,每一音调或颜色变得比例相等。

10.Now every time it rains the baby moths, who still have their colors, spread them across the sky to make more rainbows.如今,每当下雨,那刚降生依旧绚丽的小蛾子们便飞越天空,搭成彩虹。