




1.打扫我的房间 in front of 在…的前面 clean my room 打扫我的房间 sleep late 睡懒觉 ...

2.打扫房间 get home 回家, clean my room 打扫房间, tidy one’s room 打扫房间, ...

3.打扫间 154. cook Chinese food 做中国菜 157. clean my room 打扫(我的)间 158. go to the beaches 去海滩 ...

4.到扫我的房间 ... 8. in April 在四月 9. clean my room 到扫我的房间 10. finish my homework 完成我的作业 ...

5.清洁房间 football 足球 clean my room 清洁房间 track 足迹 ...

6.收拾房间 ... never 从不 1.clean my room 收拾房间 2.cut the grass 剪草 ...

7.纸上写例:A:纸上写clean my room)B: Do you often watch TV ?


1.You know, my mother used to make me clean my room every night when I was in high school and that drove me nuts.我念中学的时候我妈妈让我每天晚上打扫房间,让我很受不了。

2.Also, I will clean my room at least three times a week.同时,每周我至少打扫我的房间3次。

3.If I don't clean my room, my mother won't let me meet my friends.如果我不打扫房间,我妈妈不让我会朋友

4.Mother came down on me to clean my room .母亲催我把房间打扫干净。

5.I was a rotten teenager. Not a common spoiled, know-it-all, not-going-to-clean-my room, and self-conscious teenager.我曾是个堕落的小丫头,不是一般的被宠坏、自以为是、不愿意打扫房间且自我意识强的那种。

6.And I have to be in bed by ten o'clock. on weekends, I have to clean my room and wash my clothes.我必须在床上的十点钟。上周末,我要干净我的房间和洗我的衣服。

7.Could you clean my room now? I have to meet an important guest in a minute.您能现在就打扫一下我的房间么,我一会要会见一个重要的客人。

8.Sometimes my mother asks me to clean my room if she's very busy.有时如果妈妈她很忙的话就要求我去打扫房间。

9.On weekends, I can watch TV till 11 o'clock. Once a week, I have to clean my room.在周末,我可以看电视直到11点钟。我必须每周打扫一次房间。

10.if the coin stands on its side after falpng onto the floor, I'd get up and clean my room.如果硬币落地后是立起来的,我就起来收拾屋子。