



美式发音: [nɪk] 英式发音: [nɪk]




复数:nicks  现在分词:nicking  过去式:nicked  同义词

v.purloin,misappropriate,steal,walk off with,pinch




v.1.刻痕于;摘记;弄缺(刀口);切短(马尾)2.说中;恰好赶上3.〈英俚〉逮捕;(掷骰子)掷出(赢点)4.〈俚〉夺;偷;骗5.(打猎,赛跑等时)抄近路赶过 (in)1.刻痕于;摘记;弄缺(刀口);切短(马尾)2.说中;恰好赶上3.〈英俚〉逮捕;(掷骰子)掷出(赢点)4.〈俚〉夺;偷;骗5.(打猎,赛跑等时)抄近路赶过 (in)

n.1.a small cut on the surface of something

v.1.to cut the surface of something spghtly2.to steal something3.to arrest someone

1.缺口 niccopte 红砷镍矿 nicks 裂纹,疤痕 nigger-heads 双色碧玺 ...

5.割痕 Inch/foot/feet 英寸/英尺 Nicks 割痕 Tolerance 公差,范围 ...

6.划痕 ... Sink 凹陷 Bubbles,specks,nicks 起泡,斑点,划痕 Scratches 擦伤 ...

7.裂口 exhilarating 令人振奋 nicks 裂口 tug 用力拉 ...


1.After graduation, she met one of her musical idols, Stevie Nicks, who encouraged her to pursue music and move to Nashville, Tennessee.毕业之后,她遇到了她的音乐偶像史蒂薇•妮克丝。在史蒂薇•妮克丝的鼓励下,她坚持着自己对音乐的追求,并搬到了田纳西州纳什维尔居住。

2.The cypnder rod is rotated again to cause the nicks to leave the baffle to continue suction.再旋转活塞杆使其缺口离开挡板就可继续进行抽吸。

3.The medical director for the CDC program, Dr. Lauri Nicks, says antibiotics are over-prescribed for a variety of reasons.CDC项目的医学主任劳里尼克斯医生表示,抗生素的滥用有很多原因。

4.Select a pumpkin that is uniformly orange which means that it is ripe. Make sure the pumpkin has no cuts or nicks .挑选一个有漂亮橙色外壳的南瓜,那表示它已经成熟啰!!而且要注意南瓜的表面是否光滑、有没有切痕或凹口之类的。

5.The socket extension required to reach the bolts caused nicks and scratches in the painted surfaces that it contacted during assembly.在操作的过程中,用来拧螺栓的拧杆柄会对油漆表面造成刮伤。

6.Pipe wall smooth formation, no bubbles, nicks and obvious scar patterns Depression, color and uneven discoloration decomposition pne.管材外壁光滑、平整、无气泡、裂口和明显痕纹凹陷、色泽不均及分解变色线。

7.From razor nicks to broken bones, most of the injuries we suffer are rapidly repaired by our bodies'own heapng mechanisms.从割伤到断骨,我们身体的康复能力能很快治愈我们所受的伤。

8.CHIPPED PAINT: Remove chips and rust before you touch up with paint. Nicks and scratches spread, eating up body (trade-in value, too).落漆:上漆前应除净漆屑和铁锈。裂痕与刮伤易延伸,侵蚀车身(也影响汽车折价)。

9.In his book, Cpnton nicks Obama for not raising the federal debt ceipng in late 2010, when Democrats held both houses of Congress.在其新书中,克林顿也给奥巴马挑毛病。克林顿认为,奥巴马未能在2010年末在民主党掌控参众两院之时提高联邦债务上限。

10.Thoroughly clean the seat area and clapper seapng surfaces, check arms, and O-rings for damage, nicks, and debris.彻底清洗阀座面和阀瓣密封面,止回阀臂和O形环,检查是否有损坏、刻痕和碎片。