


美式发音: [emi:'i:] 英式发音: 


网络释义:面;新能源博览会(Middle East Electricity);脂肪酸甲酯乙氧基化物



1.面华语词汇例如:粿条(Gueiˊdiaoˊ)、Meeˇ)、腿(Khaˊ)、饺(Giao~)、骑马(KiˊMa~)等等。撇开拼音不说,泰语 …

2.新能源博览会(Middle East Electricity)MIDDLE EAST ELECTRICITY (MEE) EXHIBITION 20102009-09-17我公司将参加第107届春季广交会

3.脂肪酸甲酯乙氧基化物【文 摘】对脂肪酸甲酯乙氧基化物(MEE)在洗衣粉体系中等量代替AEO9进行了应用研究,在洗衣粉前、后配料工艺中加入不同 …

4.轮机英语(Marine Engineering Engpsh)通过对轮机英语(MEE),航海英语(NEC),海事条约英语(MTE),科技英语(T4)以及新闻英语(LOBA和BROWNA)六个语料库中 …


1.so pity that i didn't mee you before you leave, not even had a picture with you.非常的遗憾,您临走之前,我没能与你见面,哪怕拍张照片留念也行

2.I can only hope Mee was joking when he suggested building "biospheres on the moon, stocked with tigers, safe from poaching" .我只是希望梅伊在建议建造“在月球上建造生物圈,储备着老虎,禁止偷猎”时是在开玩笑。

3.In 1966, Arsenal made the interesting choice of appointing their physio Bertie Mee as manager, and it was to pay rich dividends.1966年,阿森纳做出了一个有趣的决定,用支付高额红利的方式聘请俱乐部的理疗师贝蒂-米为主教练。

4.Further success eluded Mee and critics argue he allowed that Double side to break up too quickly.后来米没有再获得荣誉,批评家说他的前两次精彩演出来得太快。

5.To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every pving creature you mee t a smile.要永远面带愉快,向所遇的每一个生灵送上可心的笑意。

6.Mixture of bee hoon and mee, with bean sprouts, kang kung, eggs, spced pork and prawns laid on top, garnished with fried shallots.米粉、黄面条、豆芽、蕹菜(通心菜)、熟蛋、猪肉片和虾,再加一些炸油葱。

7.That was a proud moment for Mee but his finest hour was another year away as Arsenal won the fabled Double.这是米的一个值得自豪的时刻,不过更精彩的是一年后阿森纳获得双冠王。

8.In early draft scripts of Episode II, Jango was known as J'mee.在《第二集》的早期剧本草稿中,詹戈被命名为吉米。

9.Mee's current work focuses on ways to protect the marine environment and the associated drainage basins and coastal areas.米伊目前的研究著重于海洋环境的保护之道,以及河川流域与海岸区域之间的关系。

10.This paper introduces the theory and design of real-time distortion correction system of medical elec-tronic endoscope (MEE).介绍了医用电子内窥镜畸变实时校正系统的原理与设计实现。