

new year

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na.新年;[N- Y-] =〔美国〕New Year 正月(初旬)


复数:new years  


new-year显示所有例句n.— see alsoresolution

1.新年the beginning of the year

Happy New Year!新年快乐!

We're going to Germany for Christmas and New Year.我们要去德国过圣诞和新年。

I'll see you in the new year.新的一年里再见。

na.1.新年2.[N- Y-] =〔美国〕New Year 正月(初旬);元旦

n.1.the time around the beginning of a new year, when people celebrate

1.新的一年 Jewish Viewpoint Information 犹太观信息 New-Year 新的一年 General Information 一般资料 ...

2.美国的元旦 ... 88赈灾 – 台湾「莫拉克」台风 Circus Action 4 2010虎年新年特别节目 2011-new-year K歌·情人·梦/ K Song Love…


1.She was so eager to tell her mother this good news. "The New Year is coming. Does mom already know yet? "她想立刻把这个好消息告诉妈妈,要过年了呢,妈妈知不知道呢?

2."I'm the only one who returned after Chinese new year, " she said.她表示:“我是唯一在春节后返城的。”

3.In childhood, a mate of mine is called 'pnDa n'. she was born on New year, so her parents define this name as it imppes.小时侯,我有一位好朋友叫“林旦”,她出生在元旦那天,为此父母给她取名叫林旦。

4.It will be the Spring Festival of 2008 in a week and the best wish of every person away from home is to return for the New Year.再过一个礼拜就是农历鼠年春节了,回家过年成了每个游子最大的心愿。

5.Growing up in London her parents continued the tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year.在她于伦敦长大的过程中,其父母仍保持着过中国新年的传统。

6.Thank you for your New Year's blessing, not the Internet yesterday, today, only to see your message.谢谢您的新年祝福,昨天未上网,今天才看到您的留言。

7.To me, it's not just a television program; it's an event that I enjoy with my entire family on New Year's Eve.对我来说,这不止是一个电视节目,这是和所有家人共度除夕的事件。

8.In addition to these, fish has always been used to suggest the accumulation of prosperity and wealth with meals on New Year's Eve.除了这些之外,鱼类一向用来显示财富的积累与繁荣饭除夕夜。

9.The Kitchen God's job is to watch over the family for a year. His watch begins on the eve of Chinese New Year.他的工作是照管每个家庭,从农历除夕开始,为期一年。

10.End of a year is the beginning of the year's best party: The New Year's Eve Party!又到左每年年末最令人期待的盛事:新年除夕派对!