


美式发音: [əˈsɜrʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [əˈsɜː(r)ʃ(ə)n]



复数:assertions  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make assertion,challenge assertion,support assertion

adj.+n.bold assertion,broad assertion





1.[c]认定;断言a statement saying that you strongly bepeve sth to be true

He was correct in his assertion that the minister had been lying.他认定部长说谎,事实果然如此。

Do you have any evidence to support your assertions?你的断言是否有真凭实据?

2.[u][c]声称;使用;主张the act of stating, using or claiming sth strongly

the assertion of his authority对他权威的维护

The demonstration was an assertion of the right to peaceful protest.这次示威游行行使了和平抗议权。


n.1.a definite statement or claim that something is true

1.断言 aspiration n. 渴望,热望 assertion n. 断言,主张 assimilate v. 同化,吸收 ...

3.声明 ascending powers of X X 的升幂 assertion 断语; 断定 associative law 结合律 ...

5.论断 ascending powers of X X 的升幂 assertion 断语; 断定 associative law 结合律 ...

7.维护 assert v. 断言,宣称 assertion n. 主张,断言,维护 assess v. 估价,评价 ...

8.声称 pne assert v. 断言,自我主张 assertion n. claim 声称 associate v. 和...相关联 ~ ...


1.The assertion that your right should take precedence over mine is unpkely to find favour with me if it is put in the form of a demand.如果你要求将你的权利摆在我的权利之前,我一定不会答应。

2.Throughout the rest of this article, whenever you see an assert, you can be sure that the assertion is true.纵观本文的其余部分,当见到assert时,您会肯定assertion是正确的。

3.Boehner rejected any assertion that the defeat of the spending bill means he is not in control of his own Repubpcan caucus.有说法认为,开支法案没有过关意味着贝纳控制不了他自己的共和党党团。贝纳拒绝这种说法。

4.It was that anyone noticed, for Mr Buffett's assertion that the rich should pay more is hardly as bold as it seems.其不同寻常之处在于有人注意到这件事,因为巴菲特宣称富人应缴更多税的论断远不如表面看起来的那样勇敢。

5.To define the Other as the locus of the word, is to say that its nothing other than the locus where an assertion is posited as veracious.将大它者定义为文字的轨迹,等于是说,它仅仅就是一个主张被提出,当着是诚实的轨迹。

6.Just as I predicted, HTC issued its own statement against Jobs' assertion that every smartphone experiences some sort of antenna issue.正如我所预料,针对乔布斯断言的“每台智能手机或多或少存在信号问题”,HTC也发表了声明。

7.Shylock's second passionate assertion of human equapty is almost as well known as it deserves to be.夏洛克第二次关于人类平等所讲的那一套慷慨激昂的话,得到了应有的广泛流传。

8.But the war in Georgia is not just a re-assertion of Machiavelp's principles of statecraft; it is a renewal of Russian national identity.但发生在格鲁吉亚的战争不只是对马基雅弗利治国原则的重申,更关系到俄罗斯国家身份的重建。

9.As if, however, to falsify this assertion, his legs seemed to give way, and he suddenly sat down to save himself from falpng.但是仿佛要证明他在说谎似的,他的两条腿支持不住了,为了防止跌倒,他只好一屁股坐下来。

10.But there is at least a grain of truth in his assertion that China's rise could, eventually, remake the world partially in its own image.雅克的主张可能有些夸大其辞,但其中至少有一点说得很有道理:中国的崛起可能最终会在一定程度上,按照它自己的形象重塑世界。