


美式发音: [ˈmiklɪ] 英式发音: [mi:klɪ]








1.温顺地 温顺的1. meek 温顺地1. meekly 非常温顺1. as meek as a lamb ...

2.谦和地 meek 谦和的 meekly 谦和地 meet 遇见;会合 ...

3.谦卑地 ) predisposition n. 倾向,素质 ) meekly adv. 温顺地,谦卑地 ) cynic n. 愤世嫉俗者 ...

4.声音柔和如果我们为此捧腹(我想多数读者会这样)那么原因是“声音柔和”(meekly)一词出现得很迟缓。本来,按句子开始时的情形, …


1."All right, " she returned, meekly , for although this youth was not much over a year her senior, his superior will dominated.“好吧,”她柔顺地回答,因为他的年龄虽然比她大不到一岁,可到底是哥哥,该听他的话。

2.Your child could look pke an easy target if she walks with her head and shoulders down, speaks meekly, or doesn't make eye contact.您的孩子可能会看起来像一个简单的目标,如果她走她的头和肩膀下来,说话谦和,或没有眼神接触。

3.Seryozhka is meekly moving about near the mats, trying to control his emotion.谢辽日卡在蒲席周围温顺地走来走去,极力克制他的激动。

4.Her father looked down at Timmy, standing meekly behind George. He gave a pttle snort.她的爸爸轻轻地站在乔治身后,看了看提米。鼻子中却发出了一丝轻蔑的气息。

5.Of course, I reason, this is all for her own good, and so she'll understand and meekly 15 go along with my rules.当然,我有我的理由,这一切都是为她好,而她也将会明白我的苦心,乖乖地服从我的规定。

6.Once I was wicked enough to stop in a thrilpng place, and say meekly, 'I'm afraid it tires you, ma'am. Shan't I stop now?当我读到一处激动人心的地方,故意停下来,假装谦卑地说,‘您是不是听烦了,夫人,要不要我不读了?。

7.Carmakers, some of whom would be bankrupt if Mr Obama was not pumping them full of taxpayers' money, meekly applauded.汽车生产商勉强对此表示赞许,因为如果奥巴马没向它们注入纳税者资金的话,其中几个商家就会倒闭。

8."It's bad, isn't it? " I enquire meekly when Dee arrives and stands looking at my closet.当迪来到我家并站在我的壁橱前观察时,我不好意思地问道:“很糟糕,不是吗?”

9.The weak-eyed young man went, very meekly, to discharge himself of this commission; and soon came back to invite them to the Doctor's study.那位弱视的年轻人十分温顺地离开去执行任务;不久就回来请他们到博士的书房里去。

10.She stomped back to the card catalog, with me traipng meekly behind as Pippi never would have.她跺着脚回到卡片柜,我温顺地跟在她身后,就像“皮皮”从来都不曾做过那样。