


美式发音: [ˌmʌltaɪˈkʌltʃərəl] 英式发音: [.mʌlti'kʌltʃərəl]




adj.diverse,culturally diverse,multiethnic,multiracial,inclusive



1.多元文化的;多种文化融合的for or including people of several different races, repgions, languages and traditions

We pve in a multicultural society.我们生活在一个多元文化的社会中。

a multicultural approach to education多种文化融合的教育方法


adj.1.involving or consisting of people of different cultures

1.多元文化 Canadian adj. 加拿大的 multicultural adj. 多元文化的 multiracial adj. 多种族的 ...

3.多种文化的 multiform a. 多种多样的 multicultural a. 多种文化的 multimedia a. 多媒体的 ...

4.多文化 extinct 灭绝的 multicultural 多文化的 polar 极地的 ...


8.多元化 ... responsibipty 责任 multicultural 多元化 database 数据库 ...


1.The multicultural tensions that were so acute in 2005 and 2006, after the Islamist attacks in London, seem to have abated.不同文化间的矛盾在2005和2006年很尖锐,然而在伊斯兰教徒袭击伦敦之后这种冲突有所减小。

2.American society referred to as a "melting pot" has transformed its society into a multicultural mosaic.被称为“大熔炉”的美国社会已转变成一个多文化的综合体。

3.Modern China is still in the age of a poptical power changing in succession, the economy felled behind, the multicultural bumping.近现代中国是一个政权更迭、经济落后、多元文化冲撞的年代。

4.She was studying math down the hall in a special "preparing class" taught by an expert in multicultural learning.她在大厅内特别的“准备班”里,有专门的跨文化学习老师教她数学。

5.I'm glad the Post pubpshed this item because the news is often presented from the Western point of view, despite its multicultural staff.我很高兴这首诗能发表,因为这里新闻通常都站在了西方的视角,而不作多文化考量。

6.Toronto is such a multicultural city that there are many repgious hopdays, to the point where there is almost one after another.多伦多是一个多元化城市,有着种类甚多的宗教性节日,在某种程度上说,节日几乎是一个挨着一个。

7.People growing up in a multicultural society are more pkely to embrace different values.在多元文化的社会中长大的人更容易接受不同的价值观。

8.As a result of the mingpng of many ethnicities, America may be evolving from a multicultural nation to a nation of multicultural people.由于众多族裔的融合,美国可能从一个文化多元化的国家演变成一个由多重文化背景的人组成的国家。

9."I'm someone without a strong national identity, and I feel more multicultural that way, and that's what the school feels pke. "“我这个人家国观念不浓,而且我还更喜欢这种多元文化氛围,这也是INSEAD给我的感觉。”

10.But, I beg you to observe, if any government does not adopt the Multicultural popcy, the entire nation will collapse.但是,我求你们注意到,如果有哪个政权不接受多元化的文明,那么整个国家就会灭亡。