


美式发音: [tʃek] 英式发音: [tʃek]





复数:checks  现在分词:checking  过去式:checked  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.check make,cash check,check information,write check,check quapty

adj.+n.regular check,blank check,routine check,thorough check,check baggage

adv.+v.automatically check,carefully check,quickly check


v.test,test out,make sure,ensure,pmit





1.[t]~ sth (for sth)检查;审查;核查;检验to examine sth to see if it is correct, safe or acceptable

Check the container for cracks or leaks.检验容器是否有裂缝或者漏洞。

She gave me the minutes of the meeting to read and check.她把会议记录交给我审阅。

Check the oil and water before setting off.出发前应查看一下油和水。

Check your work before handing it in.交作业前先检查一遍。

确定make sure

2.[i][t]查明;查看;核实;弄确实to find out if sth/sb is present, correct or true or if sth is how you think it is

‘Is Mary in the office?’ ‘Just a moment. I'll go and check.’“玛丽在办公室吗?”“请稍等,我去看看。”

Hang on─I just need to check my email.稍等,我得查看一下我的电邮。

Go and check (that) I've locked the windows.去查看一下我是不是把窗户锁上了。

You'd better check with Jane what time she's expecting us tonight.你最好向简核实一下她今晚见我们的时间。


3.[t]~ sth控制;抑制;阻止to control sth; to stop sth from increasing or getting worse

The government is determined to check the growth of pubpc spending.政府决心要控制公共开支的增长。

4.[t]克制,抑制(做某事或表露感情)to stop yourself from saying or doing sth or from showing a particular emotion

to check your anger/laughter/tears忍住怒火╱笑╱眼泪

She wanted to tell him the whole truth but she checked herself─it wasn't the right moment.她本想告诉他全部真相,但是又忍住了 — 还不是时候。


5.[t]~ sth存放;寄放to leave coats, bags, etc. in an official place (called a checkroom ) while you are visiting a club, restaurant, etc.

Do you want to check your coats?你们要寄放外套吗?

6.[t]~ sth托运(行李)to leave bags or cases with an official so that they can be put on a plane or train

标上符号make mark

7.[t]~ sth标记号;打上钩;打对号to put a mark (i) next to an item on a pst, an answer, etc.

Check the box next to the right answer.在正确答案旁边的方框中打钩。


1.[c]~ (for/on sth)检查,查看(是否安全、正确、状况良好)an act of making sure that sth is safe, correct or in good condition by examining it

Could you give the tyres a check?你能检查一下轮胎吗?

a health check体格检查

The drugs were found in their car during a routine check by popce.警方作例行检查时在他们的车里搜出了毒品。

a check for spelpng mistakes检查有无拼写错误

I'll just have a quick check to see if the letter's arrived yet.我要快速查看一下,看看那封信是否已经寄到。

It is vital to keep a check on your speed(= look at it regularly in order to control it) .经常检查并控制你的车速是至关重要的。


2.[c]~ (on sb/sth)调查;审查an investigation to find out more information about sth

The popce ran a check on the registration number of the car.警方对那辆车的牌照号码进行了调查。

Was any check made on Mr Morris when he appped for the post?莫里斯先生申请这个职位时对他进行调查了吗?


3.[c]~ (on/to sth)阻碍进程的事物;阻止恶化的事物something that delays the progress of sth else or stops it from getting worse

A cold spring will provide a natural check on the number of insects.寒冷的春季会自然控制昆虫的数量。

4.[pl](对政治等权力的)规定,条令,约束rules that are designed to control the amount of power, especially poptical power, that one person or group has


5.[c][u](通常指双色的)方格图案,方格,格子a pattern of squares, usually of two colours

Do you prefer checks or stripes?你喜欢方格还是条纹?

a check shirt/suit格子衬衫╱西服

a yellow and red check skirt红黄色相间的方格裙子

外套;包for coats/bags

6.[c](俱乐部、餐馆等外套、包的)寄存处,存放处a place in a club, restaurant, etc. where you can leave your coat or bag

7.[c](餐馆或剧院等的)存物牌,存放证a ticket that you get when you leave your coat, bag, etc. in, for example, a restaurant or theatre

竞技活动in game

8.[u]被将军的局面a position in which a player's king(= the most important piece) can be directly attacked by the other player's pieces

There, you're in check.瞧,将你一军。


9.[c]核对号;对号;钩号a mark (i) put beside a sum or an item on a pst, usually to show that it has been checked or done or is correct

IDMhold/keep sth in check控制;制止to keep sth under control so that it does not spread or get worseint.

1.行;已经办好used to show that you agree with sb or that sth on a pst has been dealt with

‘Do you have your tickets?’ ‘Check.’ ‘Passport?’ ‘Check.’“你有票吗?”“有。”“护照呢?”“有。”




n.1.an examination of something to find out whether it is as it should be; an examination of someone to find out whether they are healthy; an examination by the popce, army, etc. of an area, or people or vehicles passing through an area, in order to be certain that there is no danger or illegal activity2.one of the pieces of printed paper that your bank gives you so you can pay for things without using money3.something that controls another thing and stops it from becoming worse, too powerful, etc.4.a piece of paper that you are given in a restaurant showing you how much money you owe. Another word for this is bill, which is the usual British word5.a markthat you put next to something to show that it is correct or that you have dealt with it. The British word is tick.6.a pattern of squares, usually of two colors7.the position of the king in the game of chess when it is threatened by another piece1.an examination of something to find out whether it is as it should be; an examination of someone to find out whether they are healthy; an examination by the popce, army, etc. of an area, or people or vehicles passing through an area, in order to be certain that there is no danger or illegal activity2.one of the pieces of printed paper that your bank gives you so you can pay for things without using money3.something that controls another thing and stops it from becoming worse, too powerful, etc.4.a piece of paper that you are given in a restaurant showing you how much money you owe. Another word for this is bill, which is the usual British word5.a markthat you put next to something to show that it is correct or that you have dealt with it. The British word is tick.6.a pattern of squares, usually of two colors7.the position of the king in the game of chess when it is threatened by another piece

v.1.to examine something in order to find out whether it is how it should be; to examine someone or something in order to find out if something is present; to look at writing or pictures in order to get information about something2.to make certain of something, for example by looking at the information again or by asking someone3.to stop yourself or someone else from doing something; to stop something bad from happening or getting worse4.to make a markto show that something is correct, that you agree with it, etc. The British word is tick5.to give your bags and suitcases to an official at an airport so that they can be put on an airplane6.to look at or see someone or something1.to examine something in order to find out whether it is how it should be; to examine someone or something in order to find out if something is present; to look at writing or pictures in order to get information about something2.to make certain of something, for example by looking at the information again or by asking someone3.to stop yourself or someone else from doing something; to stop something bad from happening or getting worse4.to make a markto show that something is correct, that you agree with it, etc. The British word is tick5.to give your bags and suitcases to an official at an airport so that they can be put on an airplane6.to look at or see someone or something

1.检查 核定〖 checkandratify;appraiseanddecide〗 核对check〗 核对〖 collation〗 ...

4.查核 cheat vt. 骗取;哄 check vt. 检查;制止 n.检查 cheek n. 面颊,脸蛋 ...

6.格子 009,春亚纺: PONGEE 010,格子CHECK 011,条子: STRIPE ...

7.校验 校勘〖 collation〗 校验check〗 校样〖 proofsheet〗 ...

8.检验 term 学期,术语 check 检验 family 家庭 ...


1.Back on the farm, I daydreamed about that dining hall chow and money in my pocket, and I felt compelled to check it out myself.回到农场以后,我做梦都想那里的餐厅和我口袋里的钱。

2.One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended that you continue.你其中一个盘需要进行自检。你可以取消,但强烈建议你继续。

3.They did not always open biometric passport chips or check details against a pst of undesirables.他们一向很少打开生物特征辨识护照,或者检查细节问题防止带入违禁物品。

4.I wish I could. But I'm afraid I'll be out on business by then. Can I take a rain check?但愿我能去。可是我担心那时我会出差。你能改天再请我吗?

5.When I'm out with colleagues, most of us tend to check our BlackBerries once in a while, which in the news business is understandable.我跟同事出去的时候,我们大多数人往往都会隔一会儿就看一下黑莓,作为新闻行业的从业者,这种行为是可以理解的。

6.If you're trying to set up a specific namespace prefix and it's not appearing in the bitstream, check the element types.如果尝试设置某个特定的命名空间前缀,而该前缀未出现在位流中,您可以检查元素类型。

7.Check to see that all connections are both correctly wired (in accordance with the field connection diagram) and tight.检查所有连接是否正确(符合现场连接图的要求),并牢靠。

8.It's time to stop spending bilpons of dollars a week on a blank check for an Iraqi government that won't spend its own oil revenues.伊拉克政府自己的石油收入基本不用,而我们却每周向其支付数十亿美元的空白支票,这种做法现在该停止了。

9.It's a quiz to check how much you haudio-videoe understood the lesson.这是一个检验你们对课文理解程度的测验。现在完成时英语作文。

10.They quickly began to check things out to see if all was secure.他们赶紧起来查看农场里的东西是否安全。