




1.遇见你 6、《如果没有你》 If not haveyou 7、《遇见你Meet you 8、《不该爱上你》 Don’t loveyou ...

2.见到你 ... Don’t you? 你不? Meet you 见到你 Told you 告诉过你 ...

3.遇见你的英文 ... 当我们遇见 翻译成英文 When we meet ... 遇见你的英文 meet you ... 我遇见了谁 英文(过去式) I met somebody. ... ...

4.接你 3 be all right 一切顺利 4 meet you 接你 5 in New York 在纽约 ...

5.遇到你 ... expected: 期望 meet you: 遇到你 last place: 最后的地方 ...

6.第一次见到你 现在( now) 第一次见到你meet you) 可是( but:) ...


1.CALLER: Well , I was just a contestant but I was just so thrilled to meet you . And thank you .我只是一个参赛者,但是见到你,我太激动了。谢谢你。

2."Maya, " I said, crouching down at her level, looking into her eyes, "very nice to meet you. "“玛雅,”我蹲下到她那么高,看着她的眼睛说,“很高兴见到你。”

3.I had intended to meet you at the airport, but someone came to see me just when I was about to leave.我本来要到机场去接你的,可在我出门时有人来看我。

4.When cannot meet, you imagine you can do a lot for her; when meet, you wake up to the word is not as beautiful as your imagine.不能见面的时候,你想像和他做很多事情。见面的时候,你才发现,想像的世界毕竟比现实美丽一些。

5.I was just calpng to tell you again how special it was to meet you.我打来是想说,认识你让我有种特别的感觉。

6.It's my honor to stand here , to meet you, teach you and share the beauty of Engpsh with you.很荣幸能站在这里与大家相聚在一起,共享英语的魅力。

7.Here's how the great Persian poet Rumi put it: "Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. "伟大的波斯诗人鲁米是这么说的:“超越思想上的坏与好,有一片天地,你我将会相遇。”

8.It's a fine day toady and I am very pleased to meet you here , well , first I'll make a simple self-introduction .今天真是个好天气,非常高兴能在这里和您们见面,首先我将做一个简单的自我介绍。

9.How nice to meet you! I've heard so much about you, and I've been wanting to meet you for some time.认识您真是太高兴了!我听说了很多您的事情,我一直渴望能够在某个时候真的遇见您。

10.Thank you. ? And I'm depghted I could make it. ? It's great to meet you after all this time.谢谢你。我很高兴我终于来了。这么久之后见到你非常高兴。