




1.火与冰 Morning 清晨 Fire and Ice 火与冰 A Psalm of Life 生之赞歌 ...

2.冰与火 Fire Walker 太阳神之宝 1987 Fire and Ice 冰火神魔 1983 Fire in the Flesh 欲海孽情 1990 ...

4.烈火寒冰 《呼唤野性》《荒野新生》《 Into To Wild》 《寒冰烈火》《烈火寒冰》《 Fire And Ice》 《疑云重重》《秘密之森》《 For…

5.火冰历险 《Tony Manero / 杀手夜狂热》 《Fire and Ice / 火冰历险》 《Crumb / 克鲁伯》 ...

6.火和冰 ... Tree At My Window 树在我的窗前 Fire and Ice 火和冰 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 雪夜林边驻 …

7.冰火交融 ... But the world has gone,where you belong. 而那世界已不再,你又归于何处? Fire And Ice 冰火交融 ...

8.冰火溜情 Wizards of Waverly Place:The Movie 少年魔法师电影版 The Cutting Edge:Fire and Ice 冰火溜情 The Walking Dead 行尸 ...


1.I feel as if I had fire and ice within me, and the air is so oppressive.我觉得好像身体里有火又有冰,空气如此的沉闷。

2.Here is why: Saturn is the cold, icy planet, and the Sun is the hot, fiery planet, but together they produce a meeting of fire and ice.原因是:土星是个冷冰冰的星球,而太阳则是炽热的星球,而当他们相遇,则制造出了一个冰于火的世界。

3.Inspired from her Electric Hound series, Kathleen Sepulveda presents "Fire and Ice" .系列灵感来自她的电动猎犬,凯瑟琳塞普尔维达礼物“火与冰”。

4.wizards master fire and ice , illusionists master illusions , enchanters manipulate pfe forms , and necromancers control the dead.巫师可以掌握火系、冰系魔法,幻象师擅长幻术,幻术师擅长控制那些活体单位,而亡灵法师则善于控制亡灵。

5.But what an amazing creation in which those creatures of fire and ice seem so famipar to us.不过,对我们来说,小说中那些冰与火的人物看似是如此的熟悉。陀思妥耶夫斯基的创造是多么神奇啊!

6.Fire and ice also meet to create beautiful scenes in another part of Iceland.冰火交融还造就了冰岛另一区域的美景。

7.I celand, the land of fire and ice, is home to Reykjavik, the world's northernmost capital.冰岛,火与冰之岛,是世界上最北的首都——雷克雅未克的所在地。

8.Week of Fire'n' Ice : Fire and ice spells deal double damage during battles .冰火之周:战斗中,火魔法与冰魔法伤害加倍。

9.Fire and ice are totally different substances.火与冰是截然不同的两种物质。

10.When we have encountered one in its true form, its most common attacks are bolts of fire and ice.当我们遇到以真实形态出现的恶魔的时候,它们通常的攻击是使用冰或火的飞弹。