




1.凯恩·血蹄 沃金 VolJin 雷霆崖:凯恩·血蹄 Cairne Bloodhoof 瓦里玛萨斯 Varimathr…

2.凯林·血蹄 Tiny: 小小 Cairne Bloodhoof凯林·血蹄 Rooftrellen: 鲁服崔伦 ...

3.凯尼·血蹄 阿克蒙德 Archimonde 凯尼·血蹄 Cairne Bloodhoof 格罗姆.地狱咆哮 Grom Hellscre…

4.牛头人酋长 Bradwarden 半人马酋长 Cairne Bloodhoof 牛头人酋长 Chen 圣骑士 ...


1.Cairne Bloodhoof: Ah, the Spirits' Bridge. . . Just as the legends described it. Now, young war chief, the path to the Oracle is revealed!凯恩•血蹄:啊…灵魂之桥…就如同传说中所描述的一样。现在,年轻的首领,通向圣贤的道路显现出来了!

2.Cairne Bloodhoof: The spiked pit is filled with quilboars. It looks as if they're protecting some kind of gemstone.凯恩•血蹄:那个长满尖刺的矿坑里全都是野猪人。看来好像在保护某种宝石。

3.Cairne Bloodhoof: Legends say that it saw the strands of fate as they were woven by the Earth Mother. It alone can show you your destiny.凯恩·血蹄:传说他看得到大地母亲所编织的命运之绳。他必然能为你们指点迷津。

4.Cairne Bloodhoof: Let the fury of the Earth Mother deal with these wretches as they deserve!凯恩·血蹄:让大地母亲的愤怒来给予这些无耻之徒应得的惩罚!

5.Cairne Bloodhoof: We've arrived in time! The next wave is advancing!凯恩·血蹄:我们及时赶到了!下一波已经攻过来了!

6.Every time Cairne Bloodhoof goes to the market, he has duels with the butchers. Eh, I mean just some of the butchers who sell beef.每次凯恩。血蹄上菜场买菜的时候,他都要和那些卖肉的决斗。嗯,我是指那些卖牛肉的。

7.Cairne Bloodhoof: This pass leads straight to Mulgore, but I fear the caravan will be overrun before it reaches the other side.凯恩·血蹄:这条山道直通莫高雷,但我担心旅行队在还没到达那边时就会被击垮。

8.Cairne Bloodhoof: I am intrigued by you and your people, young Thrall. You are more than welcome to join us.凯恩·血蹄:我对你和你的人民很感兴趣,年轻的萨尔。你们能加入我们实在是太好不过了。

9.Cairne Bloodhoof: Ha! There's no need to coddle me, boy. I may be old, but I'm not helpless.凯恩·血蹄:哈!不用太在意我,老弟。我也许是老了,但我能保护好自己。

10.Cairne Bloodhoof: The spirits rage around you, young war chief. They sense your anguish. . . your grief.凯恩·血蹄:愤怒的灵魂萦绕在你的周围,年轻的首领。它们感到了你的痛苦…还有你的哀痛。