




1.互斥量 must 必须 mutex 互斥标记 name 名字 ...


1.The slot's connection is checked to see if it is blocked or disconnected, and then the connection's mutex is unlocked.插槽的连接被检查,看它是否被阻塞或断开,然后,连接的互斥体被解锁。

2.The name of the system mutex whose access control security rules are to be retrieved.要检索其访问控制安全性规则的系统mutex的名称。

3.Then, when a thread is ready to terminate, it locks the mutex, decrements threadcount, and unlocks the mutex.当一个线程准备终止时,它再次锁定互斥量,减量threadcount,然后解锁互斥量。

4.The code between the lock and unlock calls to the mutex, is referred to as the critical section.在打开和关闭互斥调用之间的代码称为临界域。

5.Therefore, at the end of it all, you now have two reader threads, both waiting on the condition variable, and the mutex is unlocked.因此,最后两个读线程都等待条件变量,互斥锁没有被锁住。

6.If the calpng thread has no ownership of this mutex, this function fails.如果调用线程并不拥有这个互斥信号量,那么这个函数的执行将会失败。

7.As you can see, pthread_mutex_init accepts a pointer to an already-allocated region of memory to initiapze as a mutex.正如所示,pthread_mutex_init接受一个指针作为参数以初始化为互斥对象,该指针指向一块已分配好的内存区。

8.Mutual exclusion (most often referred to as mutex) allows the programmer to "attach" locks to resources.互斥(通常被称为mutex)允许编程人员给资源上锁。

9.A mutex provides exclusive access control for a resource between threads, as shown in.所示,互斥提供线程间资源的独占访问控制。

10.It also allows you to unlock the mutex and wait on the condition variable atomically, without the possible intervention of another thread.它还允许您原子地(atomically)解除互斥的锁定,并等待条件变量,而不会有干涉其他线程的可能。