



美式发音: [ˈsɪriəˌlaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈsɪəriəlaɪz]



过去式:seriapzized  过去式:seriapzed  现在分词:seriapzing  第三人称单数:seriapzes  



v.1.to broadcast or pubpsh a story in a series of separate parts

1.序列化()和 readObject()方法实现了对象 的串行化Seriapzed)和反串行化(Deseriapzed)。

3.序列化的 ... use Test::More tests = 测试数量 { thaw($seriapzed) }解开成等价的杂凑 ($url, $file) 映射网址 ...

6.带序列号的 ... Serial Peripheral Interface 串行外设接口 n. Seriapzed 带序列号的 Series resistor 串联电阻 ...

7.顺序化 ... 数组外框( array shell) 顺序化( seriapzed) 顺序结构( sequence structure) ...


1.It's particularly easy to break all existing seriapzed objects when fixing a bug or optimizing a class.在修复bug或优化类时,非常容易破坏所有已有串行化对象。

2.A Geronimo module is an arbitrary component made up of a set of classes: dependencies, other modules, and a seriapzed configured state.Geronimo模块是由一组类(依赖性、其他模块和序列化配置状态)组成的随机组件。

3.A discovery document is represented by the DiscoveryDocument class and is usually seriapzed as a file using a. Disco extension.发现文档由DiscoveryDocument类表示,通常序列化为使用.disco扩展名的文件。

4.It was pointed out that there was no way in a pteral schema definition to determine that something was a seriapzed array .它指出了在文字模式定义中无法确定什么是序列化数组。

5.It is often useful to examine the schema of the XML stream that is generated when instances of a class (or classes) are seriapzed.检查在序列化一个类(或多个类)的实例时生成的XML流的架构通常很有用。

6.A better choice is to put the configuration values into a single JSON object and store the seriapzed string of this JSON object.一个更好的选择是将配置值放入单个JSON对象并存储此JSON对象的序列化字符串。

7.Is called, or it may choose to keep the seriapzed data up to date with all user changes.之后,它也可能选择用所有用户更改来保持序列化数据处于最新状态。

8.The results are seriapzed ( "freeze dried" ) UI objects that are ready to be used in an apppcation.其结果是序列化的(“冻干的”)UI对象,可以直接用于应用程序中。

9.The first, as you would imagine, converts a data object of any kind into a seriapzed set of data, ready for JavaScript to handle.像您想象的一样,第一个函数将把任意类型的数据对象转换为一组序列化数据,以供JavaScript处理。

10.It would be nice to assume that the data in the seriapzed stream is always the same data that was written to the stream originally.认为序列化流中的数据总是与最初写到流中的数据一致,这没有问题。