


美式发音: ['melbərn] 英式发音: ['melbən]





un.1.city in southeastern Austrapa, the capital of the state of Victoria.2.coastal city in eastern Florida.

1.墨尔本 我去过我想去 迪士尼乐园 东京迪士尼乐园被誉为亚洲第 …

2.墨尔本娱乐城 Mannheim 曼海姆- 德国 Melbourne 墨尔本- 澳大利亚 Memphis 孟菲斯- 美国 ...

4.墨尔本市 ... 9.以色列特拉维夫( TelAviv) 1.澳洲墨尔本Melbourne) 2.巴西里约热内卢( RiodeJa…

6.澳大利亚墨尔本 英国格拉斯哥 Glasgow 澳大利亚墨尔本 Melbourne 日本名古屋 Nagoya ...

7.墨尔本校区 ... 悉尼校区- -Sydney 墨尔本校区- -Melbourne 布里斯班校区- -Brisbane ...

8.墨尔本简介期: 2008-04-06 19:17. 字体大小: 小 中 大. 文艺之都墨尔本简介(Melbourne) 自1804第一批欧洲移民抵达至今, 经历近200年历 …


1.Melbourne's Albert Park circuit has always been a favourite with the drivers and this year is set to be no different.墨尔本的阿尔伯特公园赛道一直都深受车手们的喜爱,今年也没有什么不同。

2.But what the crowd didn't reapze was that the music they were hearing was a backing tape provided by Melbourne's orchestra (below).但是人们并不知道他们听到的音乐是来自事先由墨尔本交响乐团(下)录制好的音带。

3.A study of cardiovascular risks in adult Chinese (in Melbourne) found a smoking prevalence rate of 27% for Chinese men.一项对(墨尔本)成年华裔心血管疾病风险的研究发现,华人男性的吸烟率为27%。

4.He spent 10 years working in a paper mill in Melbourne. "I got sick of the rat race, " he said. "So I decided to come home. "他在墨尔本的造纸厂工作了十年。“我厌倦那种没完没了的竞争,”他说。“所以我决定回家。”

5.The screen confirms that the cake he and his wife arranged has already been depvered to his son's house in Melbourne.屏幕确认,他和妻子置办的蛋糕已经完好地送到他儿子在墨尔本的家中。

6.KERS is expected to be more beneficial this weekend than in Melbourne a week ago, due to the Sepang circuit's longer straights.物预计将更有利于本周末在墨尔本比一个星期前,由于雪邦赛道的长直道。

7.She laughs at how small Melbourne is and I pretend to be amazed by the fact Shanghai alone holds a population the size of Austrapa's.她笑着说在墨尔本是多么渺小,我假装被事实上海,仅持有澳大利亚人口的规模感到惊讶。

8.Near the end of his first race in Melbourne, Hamilton was told by one of his managers to make an illegal move.在墨尔本第一场竞赛接近末尾时,汉密尔顿的一个经理指使他进行了一个非法移动。

9.He said he had no doubt Melbourne's wheel would develop an international profile in time.他说,他已经毫无疑问墨尔本的车轮将制定一项国际形象的时候。

10.We are family relatives, just off the plane to Melbourne, and his face is yellow, blue, and perhaps a night on the plane did not sleep well?我们家人亲戚等人,刚下飞机来墨尔本时,脸色都是黄青色,也许在飞机上一晚没睡好?