



美式发音: [məˈmentoʊ] 英式发音: [məˈmentəʊ]


复数:mementos  复数:mementoes  同义词




n.1.something that you keep to remind you of a particular person, place, or experience

1.纪念品表世界中跟着噪音靠近、拍摄一些特定地点可以得到短信和语音短信,一些可调查的地方会得到纪念品Mementos),这些都 …


1.With the three treasures he winged his way back to heaven. When he got outside the pearly gates, he decided to examine his mementos.天使带着这三样宝贝飞回了天堂。当他到达天堂用珍珠装饰而成的大门的时候,他决定看一看它的纪念品。

2.Do you have many mementos and souvenirs? If so, how much money would someone have to give you to get you to throw them all away?你是不是收集了不少纪念品?如果是的话,别人给你多少钱你才愿意把你所有的纪念品统统扔掉呢?

3.For a year-and-a-half, every week she stuffed the pages, along with mementos, into an envelope and mailed them off to him.一年以来,每个星期她填满信纸和纪念品一起装进信封里寄给她。

4.Some do it for the same reason people have always tucked mementos into a casket (or tomb, as in the case of King Tut).人们常常把遗物卷入棺材里,或者像图特王一样卷入墓中。许多人那样做也是为了同样的理由。

5.Mike: Well you know, if I were dad and I wanted to hide the mementos of some tragic mistake, I know where I'd stash them.迈克:假如我是爸爸的话,有什么见不得人的东西要藏起来,我会藏个好地方。

6.In the markets you could buy tank and gun shells used in the war that had since been decorated to make ornaments - powerful mementos.在市场里可以买到用战时的枪炮制作的工艺品,这真是很强有力的纪念品。

7.Take pictures, keep mementos and create unique family traditions that you can share with your kids even after they've grown.照些照片,作为留念,去创造你和你的孩子能够分享一生的独特家庭传统。

8.In October last year after struggpng to pay for her private nursing home care, she sold some of her mementos.去年十月,因为支付不起养老院的费用,她曾出售一些珍贵的沉船纪念品以维持生计。

9.Directly below the postcard hang a few baby pictures of myself, mementos of a simpler time.明信片下面是一些我幼时的照片,纪念童年时简单的时光。

10.People all over the country have bought various ox mementos to decorate their homes.在全国各地,人们纷纷购买各种牛年纪念品,装饰房屋。