

natural response

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1.自然响应 自感 self inductance 自然响应 natural response 自由分量 free component ...

2.自然反应 Aftershock 余震 Natural response 自然反应 Rescuer 营救者 ...

3.自然回答不是跟深层结构直接相关时,引出了下列答句对于问句的自然回答(natural response)问题.例如:

4.自由响应 初始条件( initial condition) 自由响应natural response) 强迫响应( forced resp…

5.固有响应胶垫组合在一起,使您每天醒来都生机勃勃,充满活力 和谐世界(NATURAL RESPONSE) 理想坚固的支撑与奢华的面料是这 …

7.固有响应或自由响应第一项是对应微分方程的通解uCh(t),称为电路的固有响应或自由响应(natural response),若时间常数t >0,固有响应将随时间 …


1.I wanted to make it clear to her that you can write about anything that happens to you, that it's a natural response to experience.我希望她能知道任何发生在身边的事情都能写入文章,这是对经历的一种自然反应。

2.The natural response is to be upset or angry, thereby causing suffering for yourself because of your attachment to it.你的自然反应是难过或生气,带给你痛苦的是你的依恋。

3.The natural response to this for investors is to take on equity and commodity risk as a macroeconomic inflation hedge.投资者对此的自然反应是投资股票和商品组合来对冲宏观经济的通货胀膨。

4.The Q Sensor takes advantage of the body's natural response to stress.QSensor利用了人体对压力的自然反应。

5.The natural response to any violation is to get angry .对任何侵害,自然的反应是变得愤怒。

6.The scientists say the pain repef stems from the body's natural response to minor tissue injury.科学家们称,人体对轻微组织破损的自然反应缓解了疼痛。

7.It is a perfectly natural response but somehow we need to snap out of it.这是一个相当自然的反应,然而无论如何我们必须振作起来。

8.In essence, anger is a warning bell that tells you something is wrong in a situation. It's a natural response to perceived threats.从本质上说,愤怒是一个会告诉你在一个情况下出现了问题的警钟。愤怒是对感知威胁的自然反应。

9.The natural response might be to seek out joint ventures or even a merger.自然而然的反应或许应该是寻求合资或者合并。

10.The natural response to somebody saying, "thank you" or "wow, I really appreciate you" is the discovery of reasons to respond in-kind.真诚的对他人说一声“谢谢”或是“哇,真是太感谢你了”是回报他人帮助的最好方式。