


美式发音: [mend] 英式发音: [mend]




第三人称单数:mends  现在分词:mending  过去式:mended  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.mend fence






1.[t]~ sth修理;修补to repair sth that has been damaged or broken so that it can be used again

Could you mend my bike for me?你能帮我修一下自行车吗?

2.[t]~ sth缝补;织补to repair a hole in a piece of clothing, etc.

He mended shoes for a pving.他靠修鞋为生。

3.[t]~ sth弥合(分歧);解决(争端)to find a solution to a problem or disagreement

They tried to mend their differences.他们试图消除他们之间的分歧。

4.[i]痊愈;恢复健康to improve in health after being ill/sick

He's mending slowly after the operation.手术后,他正在缓慢好转。

5.[i]愈合;痊愈to heal

IDMmend (your) fences (with sb)解决纷争;消除隔阂to find a solution to a disagreement with sbmend your ways改过自新;改邪归正to stop behaving badlyn.IDM

My leg is definitely on the mend now.我的腿正在明显地好转。

Does he bepeve the economy's really on the mend?他相信经济确实在复苏吗?

on the mend(informal)康复;好转;改善;改进getting better after an illness or injury; improving after a difficult situation

My leg is definitely on the mend now.我的腿正在明显地好转。

Does he bepeve the economy's really on the mend?他相信经济确实在复苏吗?



v.1.to repair a tear or hole in a piece of clothing; to repair something that is broken or damaged so that it can be used again2.to do something to end an argument or disagreement3.if a bone mends, or if something mends it after it has broken, it grows back together and becomes healthy again; to become well again after an illness or injury

n.1.the part of something that has been repaired

1.修理 memory n. 记忆;回忆;存储 mend vt. 修理,修补,缝补 mental a. 智力的…

2.修补 with 对....;关于 471 mend 修补;修理 472 robot 机器人 474 ...

3.改进 descend 降落,下斜,下来 mend 修理,改进,订正 send 送,寄发 ...

4.缝补 memory n. 记忆;回忆;存储 mend vt. 修理,修补,缝补 mental a. 智力的…

5.修理,缝补 melt v. (使)融化,(使)熔化 mend v. 修理,缝补;改正,改进 menu n. 菜单 ...

6.改善 craft 工艺;手艺;太空船 mend 修理,修补;改善;修改 strategy 战略,策略 ...

7.改正 mend→ 不断改错→改正) mend改正出错误→改正) mnes+ia 病→无记忆病→健忘症) ...

8.修正 menace n. 威胁,胁迫 mend v. 改进,修正,改正 menial adj. 奴仆的,卑贱的 ...


1."Someone will come round and take your rubbish away, or mend your fence. The next time he knocks it's to ask for your vote, " he says.他说“有人会来看望你并清理掉你的垃圾,或者修补好你的篱笆,下次他就来敲门拉取你的选票”。

2.Having said he would mend the clock, he discovered that he had not brought the right tools for the job.他说他能修钟,但发现没拿对工具。

3.His neighbor told him to mend the fence, but he did not think it was necessary.邻居让他把羊圈修一修,可他认为没有必要。

4.He said the unit was on the mend with his appointment of David Sokol, chairman of MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co. , to its helm.他说在他任命中美能源控股公司(MidAmericanEnergyHoldingsCo.)董事长索科尔(DavidSokol)执掌NetJets公司之后,其业务正在好转。

5.He said the nation was "starting 2012 with manufacturing on the rise and the American auto industry on the mend. "他说,全国“2012年制造业开始处于上升周期,美国汽车业开始好转。”

6.Germany's Angela Merkel made clear two years ago that, if Russia wanted better relations with the EU, it had to mend fences with Poland.德国总理安哥拉·默克尔两年前就清楚的说过,如果俄罗斯想与欧盟有进一步的合作,那就必须改善同波兰之间的关系。

7.Booth: You know what I'm trying to mend bridges here.我很努力在架设沟通桥梁诶。

8."After that, we will repair his chin and lower jaw and mend the lost part of his face with bones and skin from his own body, " said He.陈医生还说:“在这之后,将对他的下颚何和下颌进行修复并用他自身的骨头和皮肤修复他脸部的其他缺失部分。”

9.In American Engpsh, mend is usually only used to talk aboout repairing things with holes in them, especially clothes and shoes.美国英语中,mend通常只用于表示修理缝补物品上的洞,尤其是衣服和鞋上的。

10.He decided to mend his way after parole.在得到假赦之后,他决心重。