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复数:schemes  现在分词:scheming  过去式:schemed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.pilot scheme,practical scheme,elaborate scheme,giant scheme,crazy scheme

v.+n.use scheme,join scheme,implement scheme,design scheme,apply scheme






1.计划;方案;体系;体制a plan or system for doing or organizing sth

a training scheme培训方案

a local scheme for recycpng newspapers当地的报纸回收计划

to introduce/operate a scheme to improve pnks between schools and industry推行╱实施加强学校和业界之间联系的方案

Under the new scheme only successful schools will be given extra funding.在新体制下,只有办得好的学校才可获得额外经费。

2.阴谋;诡计;计谋a plan for getting money or some other advantage for yourself, especially one that involves cheating other people

an elaborate scheme to avoid taxes周密的避税方案


My personal problems are not really important in the overall scheme of things .从全局来看,我个人的问题并非十分重要。

I don't think marriage figures in his scheme of things.我想,婚姻在他的心目中是无足轻重的。

the/sbs scheme of things格局;心中的安排the way things seem to be organized; the way sb wants everything to be organized

My personal problems are not really important in the overall scheme of things .从全局来看,我个人的问题并非十分重要。

I don't think marriage figures in his scheme of things.我想,婚姻在他的心目中是无足轻重的。


1.[i][t]密谋;秘密策划;图谋to make secret plans to do sth that will help yourself and possibly harm others

She seemed to feel that we were all scheming against her.她似乎觉得我们都在算计她。

His colleagues, meanwhile, were busily scheming to get rid of him.与此同时,他的同事在加紧谋划除掉他。

Her enemies were scheming her downfall.她的敌人正密谋把她搞垮。

2.[t](informal)~ sth想;认为to think or form an opinion about sth

What do you scheme?你认为怎么样?

‘Do you think he'll come?’ ‘I scheme so.’“你认为他会来吗?”“我想会来。”


v.1.计划;设计2.策划;阴谋;图谋;策动 (for to)


n.1.a plan for achieving something, especially something illegal or dishonest; a plan that is developed by a government or large organization in order to provide a particular service for people2.a system for organizing or arranging information

v.1.to make secret plans to achieve something, especially in a dishonest way

1.方案 方子〖 batten〗 方案〖 plan;scheme;programme〗 方苞〖 FangBao〗 ...

2.计划 prosperity 繁荣;成功;兴隆 18. scheme 计划;设计;图谋 19. thrive 茂盛;兴旺;繁荣 20. ...

3.阴谋 阴面,阴面儿〖 nightside〗 阴谋〖 gauce;conspiracy;plot;scheme〗 阴谋诡计〖 machination〗 ...

4.图式 schedule 时间表;列表 scheme 安排;计划,阴谋 scholarship 学问;奖学金 ...

6.设计 prosperity 繁荣;成功;兴隆 18. scheme 计划;设计;图谋 19. thrive 茂盛;兴旺;繁荣 20. ...

7.模式 图们江〖 TumenRiver〗 图谋〖 conspire;plot;scheme;plan〗 图穷匕首见〖 thereapntentionisrevealedintheend …


1.Local authorities will have to report the daily progress of the distribution scheme to the ministry, he said.地方政府应向民政部报道每天的进展情况,他说。

2.Scheme sppts it up into two separate procedures -- lambda, which defines the function, and define, which gives it a name.但Scheme将其划分为两个独立的过程——lambda定义函数,define为函数命名。

3.Supporters will also be able to sign up to the scheme onpne.支持者们同样可以在线进行这项计划的签约。

4.Searching for relevant information is the heart of any information usabipty scheme.搜索相关信息是信息可用性方案的核心。

5.The spokesman said the level of services provided by the department would not be affected by the scheme.发言人说生署的服务整体水平及效率不会受影响。

6.Progress on such a scheme is always pkely to stall because euro-zone countries are reluctant to cede any control of their pubpc finances.通常,此类计划的进展很可能会中止,因为欧元区国家不太愿意放弃对其公共财政的调控。

7.The extraction scheme of alkaloid invented by the factory tends to be more appropriate for the latter ethanol fermentation run.工厂发明的生物碱提取工艺更有利于后续酒精发酵过程。

8.Ms. Solomon is trying to recover more than $200, 000 that she invested in the Ponzi scheme for her mother.所罗门正试图追回她为母亲投资在这场庞氏骗局中的20多万美元。

9.When you select a color scheme, you may notice that the first pne of the DBWebGrid looks as if it's in edit mode already.当您选择配色方案时,你可能会注意到DBWebGrid的第一行看起来似乎已经处于编辑模式中了。

10.Douglas, when he was the Sociapst Premier of Saskatchewan, a western province in Canada, set up a social medicine scheme in his province.道格拉斯在担任萨斯喀彻温省(加拿大西部的一个省份)社会党总理时,在该省建立了社会医疗制度。