


美式发音: [mərˈkjʊriəl] 英式发音: [mɜː(r)ˈkjʊəriəl]




复数:mercurials  同义词反义词





1.多变的;变幻莫测的often changing or reacting in a way that is unexpected

Emily's mercurial temperament made her difficult to pve with.埃米莉脾气反复无常,很难与她相处。

2.活泼的;机智的pvely and quick

a brilpant, mercurial mind敏捷而富有才智的头脑

3.含水银的;水银的containing mercury

adj.1.墨丘利 (Mercury) 神的;【天】水星的2.轻松的,活泼的;有机智的;三心二意的3.雄辩的;狡诈的;贼性的4.水银的,含水银的,汞的1.墨丘利 (Mercury) 神的;【天】水星的2.轻松的,活泼的;有机智的;三心二意的3.雄辩的;狡诈的;贼性的4.水银的,含水银的,汞的


adj.1.pkely to change your mood or opinion unexpectedly2.pvely and continuously active

1.水星 冥王星 Pluto 水星 mercurial, 水星 Mercury ...

2.活泼的 terrestrial 地球的,陆地的 mercurial 善变的,活泼的 palatial 宫殿般的,宏伟的 ...

3.善变的 terrestrial 地球的,陆地的 mercurial 善变的,活泼的 palatial 宫殿般的,宏伟的 ...

4.幽鬼 Abaddon 地狱领主 Mercurial 幽鬼 Vol'jin 巫医 ...

5.多变的 random 随机的,任意的 mercurial 多变的 变化类词汇 capricious 变化无常,任意 …

6.水银的 mercuria 应该是个法语词 mercurial 是水星的;(含)水银的 mercurian 是水星人 ...

7.水星的 mercenary 唯利是图的 mercurial 神的,水星的 merriment 嬉戏 ...


1.But he also tends to be forgetful, and is often tardy and mercurial.但是他很健忘,动作老是慢一拍,脾气也反复无常。

2.As shown in this example output, Mercurial refers to all changes that are associated with a single commit as a changeset.如示例输出所示,Mercurial把与一次提交相关联的所有更改称为更改集。

3.At a first glance, people might think he looked a senator, it did not take them long to discover how mercurial he was.乍眼一看,他就象是一个参议员,然而人们不久就会发现他性格是多么的反复无常。

4.Mercurial and unpredictable, he was the kind of man who could only be explained by Pushkin or Tolstoy, if by anyone at all.他反复无常,令人捉摸不透,是那种只能由普希金或托尔斯泰来解释的人,如果有人能够解释他的话。

5.Mercurial's documentation tends to be more complete and easier for novices to read.Hg的文档相比起来更完善,对新手来说也更容易阅读。

6.The mercurial, hyperactive Mr Sarkozy considers the German chancellor to be impossibly hesitant and legapstic.反复无常而又极度活跃的萨科奇则认为,德国的总理是那样不可置信的犹疑而且拘泥于法度。

7.Apple's mercurial CEO is well-known for running the company pke a ruthless dictator, on a level of secrecy comparable to the CIA.苹果善变的CEO以象个独裁者一样执掌公司而闻名,其保密程度堪比CIA。

8.When he arrived, mercurial vapor, John went straight to the bank.约翰一到就直接去银行了。

9.It was a feat reflective of what has been surprisingly consistent play from perhaps the league's most mercurial player.这就是这位或许是联盟中最灵活的摇摆人最近令人惊讶地稳健表现的其中一个反应吧。

10.Yet given that the French are tired of their abnormally hyperactive and mercurial incumbent, being normal could be an asset.不过既然法国人都已对现任总统的过分活跃和行事无常感到厌烦,表现得“正常”或许更加难能可贵。