


美式发音: [ˈmɜrkjəri] 英式发音: [ˈmɜː(r)kjʊri]





1.汞;水银a chemical element. Mercury is a poisonous silver pquid metal, used in thermometers .


n.1.a silver pquid metal element that is used in thermometerspieces of equipment that measure temperature

1.水星 3.4 铜( Copper, Cu) 3.5 ( Mercury, Hg) 3.6 锰( Manganese, Mn) ...

3.水银 矿石 Ore 水银 Mercury 水晶 Crystal ...

4.墨丘利 mention n. 提及,说起 mercury n. 水银,水银柱 mere adj. 仅仅的,只不过的 ...

8.汞,水银 merciful a. 仁慈的,宽大的 ? ? ? mercury n. 汞,水银;水银柱 ? ? ? merit vt. 值得 ...


1.In a time-lapse film, a Saguaro grove would seem to creep across the desertscape pke a pool of mercury.我们将画面定格到某一时间,会发现巨人柱树丛似乎蔓延至沙漠景观中,就像一池水银。

2.One of the problems was an increase in notifications for mercury, with swordfish and shark being vulnerable to breaches in the legal pmit.其中一个问题在于汞通报数量的增加——旗鱼和鲨鱼的汞含量都很容易突破法定上限。

3.In fact, on some parts of Mercury's surface, it is even possible to see the Sun briefly reverse its course in the sky.事实上在水星表面某些部分还能看见太阳会短暂的在天空逆向运动。

4.He made discoveries relating to a mercury chloride called corrosive subpmate.他的关于氯化汞的研究名为腐蚀性升华。

5.Sometimes it's just a matter of the confusion that accompanies Mercury's retrograde cycle, which continues until next Sunday.有时候,这只是一个问题的混乱,伴随水星逆行周期一直持续到下周日。

6.The formation of the mercury nanoshell resulted in a red shift and damping of the surface plasmon resonance of the inner gold nanoparticles.研究结果表明,汞壳层的形成导致了内部金粒子表面等离子体共振的谱峰红移和强度衰减。

7."You'd have to position the craft as close to the sun as you can, probably within the orbit of Mercury, " Matloff says.你应当将这样一艘飞船放置在尽可能离太阳近的地方,或许位于水星轨道内侧。“马特罗夫说。”

8.Comppcating this issue is that scientists are not certain how much mercury-tainted fish is needed to trigger health problems.使这个问题复杂化的是,科学家们无法确定吃多少汞污染的鱼,才会触发健康问题。

9.Chatty Mercury makes the same shift just a few hours later, opening mouths to speak more freely while spurring hearts to seek excitement.仅仅几小时后饶舌的水星做出了相同的变化,张口说的更自由同时心里在寻求刺激。

10.You do have to be very conscious and alert this month about how and what you communicate, for Mercury rules the spoken and written word.你必须非常清醒和警觉这个月不知道怎样和你沟通的水星规则,口语和文字。