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un.1.hill in southwestern Scotland, the highest peak in the south of the country.

1.梅瑞克 《潘朵拉》( Pandora 1998) 《梅瑞克》( Merrick 2000) 《被诅咒的女王》( T…


4.麻利 NV Prairie 百利 Merrick 麻利 Greenies 绿的洁齿骨(狗用) ...


6.马瑞克马瑞克Merrick)捕捉反马路工程的示威者联盟的成份复杂性:「猎人和猎狐阻挠行动者竟站在同一阵线!要是我们不保护这 …


1.But Merrick took the card and looked at it very carefully. Then he put it in his trousers pocket.麦里克拿着名片认真地看了看,然后就收进裤子口袋里。

2.I waited five minutes. A postman walked past. Then the door of the shop opened, and the creature, Merrick , came out.我等了五分钟,一个邮递员恰好经过,后来商店门开了,那个怪物——麦里克出来了。

3.Merrick stood up beside his table. He did not smile, because his face could not smile, but his eyes looked happy.麦里克从桌子旁站了起来。他没有笑,因为他的脸不会笑,但从他的眼睛里能看出他很高兴。

4.'No, please, Mr Merrick, do get up, 'said the Queen. 'I would pke to talk to you. Can we sit at your table? '王后说:“麦里克先生,请不必这样,起来吧。我想与你说说话,我们可以在你的桌旁坐坐吗?”

5.Merrick pked talking to these people, and he began to forget about his ugly body.麦里克喜欢与这些人交谈,渐渐忘了自己那丑陋的样子。

6.Queen Alexandra smiled at him. 'How do you do, Mr Merrick, 'She said. 'I'm very pleased to meet you. 'Then she shook his hand.亚历山德拉王后与他握着手,朝他笑着说:“麦里克先生,你好。见到你非常高兴。”

7.Merrick looked at her for a minute with his mouth open. Then he sat down on his bed, with his head in his hand, and cried.麦里克张着嘴朝她看着,然后坐到床上捂着头哭了起来。

8.Merrick came back to London by himself. Everyone on the train and the ship looked at him, and laughed at him.麦里克是独自一人回到伦敦的,火车上、轮船上的每个人都看着他、嘲笑他。

9.Merrick looked at her sometimes, but she did not smile at him or talk to him.麦里克时不时地朝她看看,可她既不朝他微笑也不与他说话。

10.I think she was afraid of him. I think Merrick was afraid too, because he was very quiet.我想她是怕他,麦里克可能也怕她,因为他一直很安静。