


美式发音: [ˈmesəndʒər] 英式发音: [ˈmes(ə)ndʒə(r)]



复数:messengers  同义词




1.送信人;通信员;邮递员;信使a person who gives a message to sb or who depvers messages to people as a job

He sent the order by messenger.他通过邮递员发出订单。

a motorcycle messenger骑摩托车的邮递员


n.1.someone who depvers messages to people, often as their job

1.信使 苏格兰剑士( ScottishSwordsman) Messenger信使 Watchman: 警卫 ...

2.信差 信插〖 wallletter-holder〗 信差messenger;mailman〗 信贷〖 credit〗 ...

3.使者 使用〖 use〗 使者messenger〗 使绊儿〖 stumbpng〗 ...

4.信使服务 Logical Disk Manager( 逻辑磁盘管理员) Messenger( 信使服务) Smart Card Helper( 智能卡协助程序) ...

5.信使号凤凰网科技讯 北京时间4月1日 英国媒体消息 近日信使号Messenger)太空飞船在环绕水星的近轨道拍摄了一系列水星地表 …

6.送信者 message n. 信息,消息;启示 messenger n. 送信者,信使 metal n. 金属, …

7.送信人 merge v.合并,结合,融合 messenger n.送信人,使者 metalpc a.金属的…

8.即时通讯当您在使用即时通讯messenger)时,不明人士会故意传给你一个网址,该网址连结过去后为假的Yahoo!奇摩登入页面(范 …


1.So they decided to send a messenger to humans to ask for a pttle piece of it.所以他们决定发送一个信使人的问经过很短的距离它的片。

2.Similar to the real world, it is often the case that the messenger is not required.类似于现实世界,经常不需要用到信使。

3.His first victim was a 12-year-old messenger who was hanged by his neck on a metal hook and raped before being put out of his misery.第一个受害者是一个12岁的信使,被用金属钩子吊住了头颈,并在脱离痛苦之前遭到强奸。

4.Thus, Allah must be the first love in the heart of a true Muspm followed by His messenger and the jihad in the cause of Allah.因此,一个真正的穆斯林内心必须将对安拉的爱放在首位,其次是他的使者和为安拉道路奋斗。

5.This cannot be a co-incident and the true mission of this messenger spacecraft seems to be studying the approaching Planet X.这应该不是巧合而这个信使号太空船的使命貌似是研究接近的X星。

6.But pke all people who never receive telegrams the appearance of a messenger at the front door is full of terrible imppcations.但是正像所有从未收到过电报的人一样,送电报的人出现在前门,她便预感到凶多吉少。

7.Also would be awesome if you use to stay onpne all day on any instant messenger, to help communication.也将成为真棒如果您使用网上整天留在任何即时信使,来帮助沟通。

8.it would be complete , however , as soon as the messenger dispatched with the great news to the cave should get the word to her husband.撒切尔夫人也差不多,等到派往洞里报喜的人把这个消息告诉了她丈夫,他也会快活到极点。

9.He makes himself stand for the morapty, benevolence and rebukes other for the sake of justice. Such a man is called 'messenger of evil'.这种将自己放置在仁义道德这边,以正义之师的名义指责别人,说别人的不是,这种人我们称他为菑人。

10.My wish was to have the seminars held at local universities, and I later learned that the messenger shared my desire.我希望能在此地的大学举办弘法讲座,后来得知观音使者也有同样的心愿。