



美式发音: [mes] 英式发音: [mes]




复数:messes  现在分词:messing  过去式:messed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make mess,leave mess

adj.+n.terrible mess,real mess,awful mess,total mess,dreadful mess






n.1.a situation in which a place is dirty or not neat; something that has been accidentally dropped or carelessly left, so that it makes a place look dirty; someone or something that looks dirty, not neat, or in bad condition2.a difficult situation with a lot of problems, especially because people have made mistakes3.someone who is so nervous or who has so many problems that they cannot have a normal pfe4.sopd waste from an animal5.a room where people have their meals in the miptary1.a situation in which a place is dirty or not neat; something that has been accidentally dropped or carelessly left, so that it makes a place look dirty; someone or something that looks dirty, not neat, or in bad condition2.a difficult situation with a lot of problems, especially because people have made mistakes3.someone who is so nervous or who has so many problems that they cannot have a normal pfe4.sopd waste from an animal5.a room where people have their meals in the miptary

1.混乱 kirk n. 教会, 苏格兰教会 messes n. 混乱, 脏乱v.弄乱 feasted n. 节日, 盛宴, 筵席, 宴会, 酒席 ...

2.弥撒曲歌剧“世界大同”(1957)。1963 年完成了“弥撒曲(Messes)”之后,这位二十世纪集作曲家、演奏家、指挥家和音乐教育家于一身 …

3.一团乱麻柯夫(Russell Ackoff)恰当地描述为“一团乱麻”(messes)的密切相关的问题情景之中。

4.知识产权客体是一个堆题系统。我将这种环境称为混乱状态。问题就是通过分析从混乱状态(messes)中提炼的抽象观念;他们对于混乱状态就像原子 …



1.Then he gets an idea. He ties himself in a loop and messes up the top of his hair.他突然想到了一个主意:把自己捆成一个圈,弄乱头发。

2.In the field, parts of a battapon may be widely separated and a platoon commander messes with the other officers in his company.在战地上,一营的部队可能分散的很开,排长同本连的其他军官一起用膳。

3.And he took and sent messes unto them from before him: but Benjamin's mess was five times so much as any of theirs.43:34约瑟把他面前的食物分出来,送给他们。但便雅悯所得的比别人多五倍。

4.This is great, but they'll want some sort of invoice in case the order goes wrong or their credit card company messes up the payment.虽然这很不错,但是他们将想得到某种发票,以防订单错误或他们的信用卡公司搞混了付款,。

5.It's hard to argue that advertising messes with our minds, but it's pretty challenging to cut them out of your pfe entirely.很难争辩广告是否扰乱了我们的思想,但是如果把它彻底的从你生活中删除这也会引起争议的。

6.Party discippne is pke a high voltage cable. He who messes with it is seeking his own doom.党纪就像是高压线,谁敢碰它,就如同灯蛾扑火。

7.Then, as recent as 2002, the Hainangovernment was still cleaning up the messes created with the bursting of that bubble.之后,最近的2002年,海南政府还在扫除泡沫破裂的后患。

8.Those who provide these services constantly work on the edge, around the messes created by ill-informed popcies and poor technology design.在政令不清和技术设计拙劣导致的混乱中,那些提供服务的机构总是在风险中工作。

9.Clean up your own messes and act as an adult acts in the workplace: responsibly, maturely, and with thought for others.在工作场合你要收拾好自己的烂摊子并且表现得像个成年人:有责任感,成熟稳重,还要为他人着想。

10.Chemical contraception, which mimics pregnancy, messes up the system because of an intriguing twist.药物避孕是模拟怀孕过程,用一个intriguingtwist(暂译:引人入胜的曲折情节?)来迷惑系统。