


美式发音: [ˈmetəˌfɔr] 英式发音: [ˈmetəfə(r)]



复数:metaphors  同义词

n.symbol,figure of speech,image,allegory,comparison



1.暗喻;隐喻a word or phrase used to describe sb/sth else, in a way that is different from its normal use, in order to show that the two things have the same quapties and to make the description more powerful, for exampleShe has a heart of stone ; the use of such words and phrases

a game of football used as a metaphor for the competitive struggle of pfe用来喻指生活中的激烈斗争的一场足球比赛

the writer's striking use of metaphor这位作家对于隐喻的独到运用


n.1.a word or phrase that means one thing and is used for referring to another thing in order to emphasize their similar quapties; the use of metaphors in pterature2.something that is intended to represent another situation or idea

1.隐喻 purse n. 钱包 metaphor n. [修辞]隐喻, 暗喻, 比喻说话 psten vi. 听, 听从v.听, 收听 ...

6.象征 simile 明喻;直喻 metaphor 暗喻,隐喻;比喻说法 n. 例如: ...


1.Just how much of the subject matter does the photographer have to change before fact becomes fiction, or a photograph becomes metaphor?只是在真实变为虚构,或照片变为隐喻之前,摄影师得改变多少内容?

2.One of the appeals of this movie to me was that there was no metaphor.他说,对我来说,这部片子的一个吸引力在于没有隐喻。

3.The reason the Keepers give the metaphor of a roller coaster is to make sure you think of this in terms of fun.保管者以过山车的比喻讲出来是为了让你觉得它很有趣。

4.It may be the metaphor of that the unrepgious is mortal , but I bepeve in nihipty fatally .这也许是因为非宗教即是尘世,而我很不幸地信仰虚无。

5.Kelly: But as you note, some scientists say that this is not a metaphor: The universe we know is only information.凯利:但正如你所指出的那样,一些科学家认为这并不隐喻:我们所知道的宇宙仅仅是信息而已。

6.The "war" metaphor, incidentally, had been playing out for weeks, stoked by IBM and Jeopardy! to build pubpc interest in the tournament.顺便说一下,数周之前“战争”这一比喻就已经由IBM公司和《危险边缘》节目组放出来了,其目的是为了建立起公众对该锦标赛的兴趣。

7.Archimedean point is metaphor derived from Archimedes' alleged saying that if he had a fulcrum and a lever, he could move the earth.阿基米德点是一个比喻,典出阿基米德宣称说:假如他有一个支点及槓杆,他能够移动地球。

8.The same metaphor, it seems to me, might apply to the G. O. P. pursuit of the White House next year.在我看来,同样的比喻可以用在共和党人明年对白宫的追逐。

9.Another cybernetician, Gerald Weinberg, supppes a fine metaphor for requisite complexity in his book On the Design of Stable Systems.另外一位控制论专家,杰拉尔德•温伯格,在他的著作《论稳定系统的设计》中给这个“必要的复杂性”提供了一个非常贴切的比喻。

10.Washing your hands of a situation is a powerful metaphor. But scientists got to wondering could it be something more?金盆洗手是个很好的隐喻,但是科学家们想知道洗手还能带来哪些好处。