


美式发音: [ˈmaɪkə] 英式发音: [ˈmaikə]





n.1.in the Bible, a Hebrew prophet who pved during the 8th century2.a book of the Bible traditionally attributed to the prophet Micah

1.弥迦书 约拿书- Jonah 弥迦书- Micah 那鸿书- Nahum ...

2.迈卡 Meredith 梅瑞狄斯; 梅雷迪斯 Micah 迈卡 Michael 迈克尔 ...

3.米该亚 约拿书 约纳 Jonah 弥迦书 米该亚 Micah 那鸿书 纳鸿 Nahum ...

4.米卡 30 赫拉赫的智慧书 Ecclesiasticus 33 弥亥亚书 Micah 34 约伊尔书 Joel ...


1.Austere Micah Hale wanted to be lenient at this moment, the last during which he would see his powerful mother-in-law.这是与他高贵的岳母的最后一面,严格的弥迦黑尔此刻愿意宽宏大量一些。

2.Then there's Micah Richards and Michael Johnson who, with a bit of focus, can still grow into City regulars.我们有了米卡-理查兹和迈克尔-约翰逊,他们崭露头角,仍然可以成长为曼城的正式队员。

3.Rabbi Daniel G. Zemel of Temple Micah, a Reform congregation in Washington, was one of those who switched positions.设在华盛顿的改革派教会弥迦会堂的拉比但以理.g。泽梅尔便是转变立场的人之一。

4.And the man Micah had a shrine, and he made an ephod and household gods, and ordained one of his sons, who became his priest.这米迦有了神堂,又制造以弗得和家中的神像,分派他一个儿子作祭司。

5.Washington's phrasing thus converted Micah's humble prayer into a program to shape the pberal character of the United States.因此,华盛顿以自己的语言将弥迦书中的谦卑祷语转化为一个纲领,塑造了美国的自由特征。

6.She ascended the throne, bringing with her a determination to cast aside New England influence pke Micah Hale.她继了位,一心想剪除弥迦黑尔之流新英格兰人的势力。

7.And they set them up Micah's graven image, which he made, all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh.神的殿在示罗多少日子,但人为自己设立米迦所雕刻的像也在但多少日子。

8.As Micah, a leader on whom all the glories and perquisites available to the Kings of Hawaii had been visited, considered what he must do.弥迦,这个享受过夏威夷王所能享受的一切荣华和特权的领导人,在思索自己该怎么办。

9.Sam Flemming of Chinese research company CIC Data and Micah Sittig from Shanghai also contacted me with their thoughts.Sam是中国数据研究公司的高层,从上海来的MicahSittig也与我交流了他们的看法。

10.My son, John Micah, is at Fort Stewart, Georgia, and will leave for Iraq again [soon] for another tour.我自己亲生的儿子约翰·迈卡现在驻扎在乔治亚州的斯图尔特要塞,他即将离开那里马上要到伊拉克再一次服役。