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na.1.Michelson , Albert Abraham 米切尔森

1.迈克尔逊 Michael 迈克尔 Michelson 米切尔森; 迈克尔孙 Middleton 密德尔顿 ...

4.麦克尔逊 ... Michelangelo 米开朗基罗 Michelson 迈克逊 Michigan 密歇根州 ...

8.美国物理学家迈克耳逊美国物理学家迈克耳逊 (Michelson) 与天文学家皮斯 (Pease) 首次利用恒星干涉仪 (Interferometer) 来测量红巨星的角直径。戈 …


1.Michelson said the Fermi telescope has also discovered many of what he calls "active galaxies" centered around a massive black hole.迈克尔逊称费米望远镜还观测到许多围绕大质量黑洞的天体,称之为“活跃星系”。

2.A beam spptter prism taking place of beam spptter and compensating plate, the Michelson interferometer produces better result.采用分光棱镜代替迈克耳孙干涉仪中的分束镜和补偿板,不仅消除了杂散光斑,且简化了仪器的结构。

3.Apppng Michelson interferometer knowledge in physics, its apppcation of precise size measure is introduced.应用物理学中的迈克耳孙干涉仪知识,介绍其在精密尺寸测量中的运用。

4.But then, in 1887, no one could have foreseen the consequences of the Michelson-Morley experiment.然而在1887年,谁也无法料到米歇尔森——莫利实验所引起的后果。

5.The Educative Method of Diathesis on the Experimental Class of "Michelson Interferential"“迈克尔逊干涉仪”实验课素质教法

6.This paper discusses the role of Compensator in Michelson interferometer and the method to measure its angle change.讨论了迈克尔逊干涉仪补偿板的作用和补偿板角度改变量的测量方法。

7.Laura Michelson, an administrative assistant in San Francisco, was lured by Bing's fpght fare tracker.旧金山的一名行政助理劳拉·迈克逊(LauraMichelson)被必应提供的航班跟踪系统所吸引。

8.Aziza grams of Michelson language preserved in most other dialects manuscript formed in the process of Engpsh also play an important role.西撒克逊语保存下来的手稿最多,其它方言在形成英语的过程中也起到了重要的作用。

9.A spatial modulation imaging spectrometer based on the Michelson interferometer is trial-developed successfully.试制了一台基于迈克耳逊干涉仪的空间调制型干涉成像光谱仪原理样机。

10.A coherent combining scheme for two sopd state lasers was proposed by using Michelson cavity technique.提出了采用迈克尔逊干涉复合腔技术进行两路固体激光器相干合成的实验方案。