


美式发音: ['mɪkɪ] 英式发音: ['mɪkɪ]





1.米奇 Mick 米克 Micky 米基 Miles 迈尔斯 ...


1.Micky: Let me take you to the hospital. Doctor: What's wrong with you?让我带你去医院.医生:你怎么啦?

2.Excited by his new skill, Micky quickly dashes home, anxious to get back to his hole before the tide comes in and covers it.米奇对于他的新技能大感兴奋,米奇飞奔回家,急著在他的洞在被涨潮淹没前到达。

3.Micky cried and said, he is but to cause left Yong Bang to take seriously, do not want to always be left Yong Bang press.米琪哭着说,自己不过是想引起左永邦的重视,不想始终被左永邦压制。

4.Soon Micky finishes painting. He finds a pair of scissors to cut something out of the paper.米奇很快完成了绘画作品。他找到一把剪刀,把一些东西从纸上剪了下来。

5.Finally Micky finds the fiddler crabs but is unable to copy them as he is built too differently.最后迷奇终于找到小提琴螃蟹了,但是他因为他的构造实在太不一样了而无法模仿小提琴蟹。

6.The story ends with an environmental message warning young readers to be sure to step around Micky's 'band' next time they are at the beach.这个故事的结局以一个环保讯息作终,警告著年轻读者下次他们到海边时要绕行避开米奇的乐队。

7.The fiddler crab encourages him to continue to do so and the resulting beat enables Micky to drum along with his new friends.小提琴蟹鼓励他继续这样做而结果是米奇可以用打鼓伴奏他的新朋友。

8."Micky points to his sign to tell people, " No pttering.米奇把他的标牌指给大家看(上面写着)“请勿乱扔垃圾!”

9.But he had schizophrenia, then dressed as a twin brother to speak and Micky, Micky was finally hit a door.但是他自己已经精神分裂了,后来又打扮成双胞胎弟弟去和米琪说话,最后终于被米琪狠狠摔了一门板。

10.Micky, meanwhile, concentrates on getting into top physical shape despite all the drama surrounding his older brother.与此同时,米奇集中精力将自己的身体调整至最佳状态,不去理睬哥哥那边三天两头上演的好戏。